
French Prez Candidate: More Mohammad Cartoons!

Amen, brother. Caving to tyrants only makes them bolder, and enables them to continue with retarded behavior. Presidential "frontrunner" Nicolas Sarkozy currently heads a government body that involves religious matters. "Sarkozy brought competing Muslim groups together in 2003 to form the Muslim Council to represent Islam in France." In response, members of this group are considering resignations in protest. What babies.

Demonstrating that all muslims indeed do not suffer from severe retardation:
Paris University philosopher Abdel Wahhab Meddeb said he laughed when he saw the cartoons. "I urge Muslims to adapt to Europe and not the other way around. That would be catastrophic."

You see, the Islamic world once led civilization, during the European "Dark Age". Europe advanced out of that Dark Age by embracing and building upon the advancements of Islamic civilization, not rejecting it. Prior to Islam, that part of the world had previously not only led civilization, but invented it, in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, India, China, and Sudan. When Europeans finally developed civilization, they did so not by rejecting but by adopting and building upon those original civilizations. As Europe emerged in the form of Greeks, the lands where civilization fell back for a while, culminating in a shift from Greek domination to Roman, and the Roman victory of Lebonon's empire, seated in Libya's Carthage.

When Europe retrograded, thanks to the misleadership of increasingly idiotic Romans, Islam arose, and eventually transformed into a coherent civilization, one that adopted and built upon the very Greek works that the Romans had begun burning. That Greek work of course contained in it work of the Iraqis, Syrians, Egyptians, etc. When Europeans again created civilizations of worth, their reclamation of Greek learning was possible only because the muslims had preserved it; that Greek work contained the ancient Asian and African contributions, and had added to it the Islamic contributions.

Thus as the East once vouchsafed the advancements of western civilization, today the West now vouchsafes the advancements of eastern civilizations. When muslim nations now "adapt to Europe", they will be re-adopting the best of what their ancestors created. This is how civilization advances. One advancement: tolerating ridicule of religious figures and practices.

Religious westerners such as US jesus freaks would do well to heed this from the article: "In a secular state, no religion and no ideology is above the law. Where religion makes the law, one is close to totalitarianism." Today US jesus freaks are not nearly as bad as the muslim freaks, but they could one day become so. Afterall, a thousand years ago or so, the mohammad freaks were much less retarded than the jesus freaks!


Nadir said...

"Europe advanced out of that Dark Age by embracing and building upon the advancements of Islamic civilization, not rejecting it."

Many scholars would say "stole" rather than "embracing and building upon". Much of Europe's adoption of Islamic and Kemetic culture happened through imperial conquest, which accounts for some other changes in culture.

But the notion that Islamists should reject beliefs that they feel are central to their religion isn't practical. Some Muslims are already more moderate, and others are not.

Still it is difficult to get people to change their beliefs. This is something that has to happen over time, months, years, sometimes generations.

Remember it took Europeans at least 500 years do decide that slavery, racism and discrimination are wrong.

Certainly the displaying of the Prophet Muhammad's image isn't the same as slavery or racism, but it is a belief that has been around for centuries. Change won't happen overnight, even if Europeans think these beliefs are stupid and backward. I happen to think that imperialist war is stupid and backward, but that hasn't stopped Americans from being warmongering imperialists who invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and now have their sights on Iran...

Nadir said...

"Afterall, a thousand years ago or so, the mohammad freaks were much less retarded than the jesus freaks!"

Less than a century ago Jesus freaks were in favor of alcohol prohibition and Jim Crow segregation. 10 years ago they were bombing abortion clinics regularly.

Now they just resort to vandalizing Mosques and working in favor of war and the death penalty...

Paul Hue said...

Nadir wrote: ===================
it took Europeans at least 500 years do decide that slavery, racism and discrimination are wrong.

And in some African countries, double that time has passed, and these practices persist.

Nadir: ===========================
Less than a century ago Jesus freaks were in favor of alcohol prohibition and Jim Crow segregation. 10 years ago they were bombing abortion clinics regularly.

Those jesus freaks were indeed retarded, and some still wish to prohibit booze; many more wish to prohibit drugs. The bombing of abortion clinics never amounted to a major movement in modern christianity, though if you somehow manage to show that I am wrong in that assertion, I will certainly brand it "retarded" and "uncivilized".

In terms of propagating and ending Jim Crow and white-on-black slavery, Christianity of course played crucial roles on both sides. I am most curious to learn about the role of islam in ending black-on-black and arab-on-black slavery and racial discrimination. It appears to me that Darfur / Sudan offer here modern examples of the negative.

Paul Hue said...

OK, let's agree that the Greeks "stole" various non-honkey advances of civilization. We certainly agree that those advances were monumental and of non-honkey origin.

I have not read enough about the acquisition of Greek advances by the muslims to characterize them as thefts or not, or even how "theft" would be defined in this context, given the normal operating procedures back then of all civilizations.

My point is that I have yet to find where I qualify as a "racist", where I enthusiastically acknowledge how at different times different racial categories of people have pushed and pulled civilization forward, and others have languished or retrograded.

Of the groups fighting US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, I am unaware of any proposals by them that I consider to represent state of the art civilization, rather than steps back into dire ugliness.

Paul Hue said...

Nadir wrote: ========================
Much of Europe's adoption of Islamic and Kemetic culture happened through imperial conquest, which accounts for some other changes in culture.

Please explain how this in any way differed from how the "islamic and Kemetic" civilizations practiced "imperial conquest" of their own.