
Killer Detroit Cop, Minus Jesse & Al

Just 75 people protest the cop-killing of a black guy shot twice in the back, resulting in a tiny news story. Why no media splash? Where's Jesse and Al? Maybe the news media will follow this small, buried story long enough for us do evaluate my bet: no white cops involved. In a related tiny, buried story of community complaints against Detroit cops, we see allegations of " harassment at bus stops, aggressive traffic stops and home searches they claimed were unwarranted." But no charges of "racism." Are these black cops behaving this way?

And another tiny, buried story of police "racial discrimination" in the Detroit area. Wonder why this one warranted nearly zero press. Perhaps because it involved a nearly all-black force accused by a Hispanic cop of "discrimination against non-blacks."

My suspicion: Cops today of all "races" behave approximately the same to citizens of all "races", but only when mistreatment involves white cops and black citizens does anybody seem to care. The cries of "racism" carry-over from the generations of time when white cops were especially nasty to black folks.


uptownseteve said...

The Detroit News is a major news organization isn't it?

They seem to be covering this story.

This IS where you link comes from isn't it?

If you're upset that Jackson and Sharpton aren't there, you'll have to take it up with them.

Paul Hue said...

Det Nes is a major news organization. These stories are tiny, though, indicating tiny coverage. I assume that had the cops been white we would have huge stories with national attention. For example, in Brooklyn, when white cops participating in that bachelor party killing. How are these stories different? In both cases the shooting cops claimed that the dead citizen had been involved with a gun that never got recovered.

uptownseteve said...

"Cops today of all "races" behave approximately the same to citizens of all "races", but only when mistreatment involves white cops and black citizens does anybody seem to care."


You show me where a cop of any hue shot an innocent unarmed white citizen to death ala Amadou Diallo.

Paul Hue said...

I have seen no such stories. I await a study that examines if I see no such stories because it never happens, or because the news media finds them lacking interest.

You apparently believe that black and white cops both kill only black unarmed citizens; I question that assertion and hope to one day find a proper study of it.

Paul Hue said...

Such as study would also identify people like Diallo who were doing nothing (as I recall that incident) and those like Rodney King who were committing crimes.

uptownseteve said...

Paul sez,

"Perhaps because it involved a nearly all-black force"

I'd be willing to bet my right arm this isn't true.

The Washington DC Police Department is about 40% white and I bet the Detroit Department is similar.

BTW Hue, Rodney King was handcuffed and subdued yet the cops continued to savagely beat him.

Every black city dweller has seen a similar incident.

Paul Hue said...

We'll see, I hope, if this killer cop was one of Detroit's honkey cops.

I do know that Rodney King was handcuffed at the time that cops illegally assaulted him. But prior to that he engaged in illegal high-speed chase.

Among the categories of police brutality that I would assign:
A. Victim committing a crime prior to assault.
B. Victim committing no crime prior to assault.

uptownseteve said...

"I have seen no such stories. I await a study that examines if I see no such stories because it never happens, or because the news media finds them lacking interest."

Are you friggin kidding?

Are you actually suggesting that if a black cop shot an innocent white person there would be no media interest?

It doesn't happen Hue that's why there are no media reports.

Paul Hue said...

Absence of such reports while coinciding with your assumptions do not constitute evidence that such events don't happen. Only a proper study can demonstrate if your data-less conclusions are correct, and answer my data-less questions.

Your assertion requires that we believe that white and black cops are violently racist against black citizens, and racistly protective of white citizens, including citizens committing crimes. I am prepared to believe that only if I see data warranting such a conclusion.

uptownseteve said...

yeah right.

You believe exactly what you want to believe.

I know what I've SEEN consistently in my 44 years.

Paul Hue said...

I only seek to believe what data, my experiences, and sound logic compel me to believe, which often involves me changing my mind.

You seem to think that black people are better inherently than white people; I believe that all people are essentially the same, though there are variations in average choices during particular periods. You believe that white cops on average make worse choices than black cops in contemporary USA, but you seem not to believe that in any areas of life any groups of people are making better choices on average than black people.

Just as on average Asian students are making better choices than white students today in the US, perhaps black cops on average are making better choices than white cops. I await data to show this one way or the other. You of course need no data; you are already certain.