
Cop Tasers Granny; NAACP doesn't care 'cause she's a honkey

When I spotted this article, I knew that the old bag was a honkey, because nobody was making a big deal about it.


Nadir said...

How do you know the NAACP doesn't care? Did she file a report with them?

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: What the hell are you doing back? I thought I banned you! The NAACP usually doen't require a report... other than a newspaper report! Do you really think that if this cracker lady had been black, given that the asshole cop was a honkey, that Rev. Al, Jesse J, the Colored People, etc., wouldn't have found this lady? Watch this incident become forgotten. The fight against police brutality I think is severely weakened when its primary advocates cast it racially, because it is no longer a racial issue, it is a cop issue. I better not catch you nosing around this site any more!

Nadir said...

You made it racial. I think it is a cop issue.

Alpha Conservative Male said...

This is a case for the AARP or The National Association for the Advancement of Elderly people lol. Paul you do bring up a good point. An elderly lady is tasered by a cop, yet they're isn't any outrage. No Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, no oversensitive black liberal crybabys on the scene. If that woman would have been a black grandmother, then all hell would have broken lose. This is just another example of selective outrage by liberals. Seeing that most liberals don't resepect their elders, do this come as a surprise they are not outraged over it lol?

Nadir said...

Was this woman guilty of child abuse?
Was she resisting arrest?

Al Sharpton has been embarassed in the past by protesting the killing of a shoplifter who was resisting capture in Dearborn. Clearly there should be more investigation before anyone starts marching to protest this.

But from the surveillance photos, it looks like the officer could have used a different means of restraining the woman, if it was necessary. There is a problem with police all over the country who are violent thugs. Is this another example?

Paul Hue said...

Was this woman guilty of child abuse?
Was she resisting arrest?
Nadir: Did you ask such questions when Rodney King got beaten? Are we drinking beer together tonight? Or waiting for tomarrow, after the meeting?

Paul Hue said...

Al Sharpton has been embarassed in the past by protesting the killing of a shoplifter who was resisting capture in Dearborn. Clearly there should be more investigation before anyone starts marching to protest this.

Damn I love you, Nadir. I don't recall Rev. Al, or any member of the Soul Patol, getting embarrassed over that. They sure seemed to keep pouring it on even after the facts came out. As I recall, when one of the local black stations declared "racism" as the cause of that killing, when the facts showed that the guards were black, and that he was fighting them and had been directing children to steal as part of a theft ring, *that's* when the Soul Patrol showed up, and declared that those honkies were so insidious, they even had black folks killing each other!

But this video looks pretty clear. How could that big cop require a taser to restrain a little grannie? If this case does get any attention, I bet that the supposedly racist right wingers will be amoung those lambasting the cop.