"Enough N***s for Million Tarzan Movies"?
That's what a writer for blacknewsweekly.com says in a commentary on the Imus and Duke stories. Shall we try to have her banned from that website, or shut down that website?

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There you have it. I don't care what excuse you have.
I will no longer contribute to Reformed Leftist, and I will remove links from my blog and my website.
I don't give a damn WHO you think you are. You don't get a pass from me on this. You have no right to use that word in the title of a post. I would never do it.
Kiss my ass, Paul.
And who am I quoting? Where does this come from?
Very intelligent argument, Nadir. "Kiss your ass." How well put. I did something that you wouldn't do. How dare I! And what is it that I did? Cut & pasted from an article by a black woman, her own words. I don't need a "pass" from you, and who are you to issue "passes", any way?
Do you give a "pass" to the originator of this headline? Why? Because she's black?
How do I lack "right" to use any words I like in a headline?
What gives you the "right" to issue or deny "passes"? What gives you the "right" to judge people's actions based on your racial categorization of them?
What is your view of this woman writing this language in her article?
Nadir: Will you link your websites to blacknewsweekly.com, which published this woman's commentary?
Nadir's rule: black people can say and write "nigger" all they want, but white people can't even quote black people who -- even with Nadir's permission -- use this word. What an intolerant person you are, Nadir.
So now Nadir is "censoring" me.
My comment on the source article: the writer is very stupid and ignorant, including her comment about the Tarzan movies. She is ignorant to believe that Crystal Magnum told the truth, and to believe that the huge numbers of black men in prison constitute innocent people wrongly accused and wrongly prosecuted.
I think that Nadir's response would have been even more eloquent and persuasive had he included more swear words.
Note: My original headline spelled out the "N-word" and didn't have quotes. After Nadir responded by resigning, I modified the headline to not spellout the N-word and to include quotes, and invited Nadir to modify the headline further to his liking via text page and phone call; he declined.
I am very sad about the lack of toleration in such an otherwise tolerant and humorous person.
Just like Imus, you just keep pushing and pushing and pushing.
On TV this morning the editor of the Chicago Defender -- once and perhaps still the largest black newspaper in the nation -- revealed that employed the radioactive "N" word in a headline recently, trying to get black entertainers to stop using it. I am curious for Nadir's judgment on that.
All artists push and push, including Nadir in his songs. Nadir imagines that the Bush administration has targeted him because of the "offensive" or "seditious" language of his lyrics and other public statements. Ironically, he has his own areas of "off-limits" language. He will not tolerate white folks saying the n word or nappy hoes, but expects others to tolerate him calling Pres. Bush a lying war criminal who belongs in jail (by the way, charges that Imus used to make every day).
The anti-Imus people say that "context doesn't matter", that it doesn't matter how many black friends he has or whatever, but these people in fact do believe that "context matters": if the speaker is black, they accept the speaker using any language, such as the radioactive "n" word.
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