
Daylight Savings Time Bust

This is one of the reasons that I became a libertarian, and why I think that "the government" cannot create the best-possible healthcare or education systems: the busybodies in DC decided for all of us that an early start to Daylight Savings Time would save us all on energy costs, and that they should therefore force us to adopt their brilliant scheme. This article reports that the extra two weeks produced no cost savings.

The article does mention all the hassle we had to go through to set our digital devices to the new time shift... and then the hassle when those same devices all smartly set themselves again when the original (and equally stupid, for the same reasons) daylight savings time date appeared.

These are the same people who think that they can stop Americans from consuming recreational drugs, who approved an Alaskan "bridge to nowhere" even as they failed to build sound levees in New Orleans, and who believe it makes sense to spend tax dollars on massive farm subsidies. Yet Tom and Nadir believe these people can construct a healthcare system for us; these same people who've played such a role in our deteriorating US school system.

1 comment:

Nadir said...

"Yet Tom and Nadir believe these people can construct a healthcare system for us; these same people who've played such a role in our deteriorating US school system."

I didn't say I believed they would do any better creating a healthcare system than they have done with Medicare or the school system, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.

Daylight savings time, on the other hand, makes little sense to me. Changing it so that it occurs earlier makes even less sense.