
Al Gorge

Wow, old Al's really beefed up! He's starting to look a lot like Jackie Gleason!


Unknown said...

What's he doing, reaching for a ham and cheese sandwich in his jacket pocket?

Paul Hue said...

Watch out, Six, Tom could post some fat libertarians.

Bear in mind that had Ralph Nader not run in 2000, Gore would have won the election. I am offended that Gore did not get credit for having run a great campaign. He won a higher fraction of the votes than Clinton ever did, 49.8%. Clinton's best showing was something like 49.5%, and he won each time only because Ross Perot ran from the right.

I of course opposed Gore, but he performed better than Clinton ever did. Why no credit?

Unknown said...

Yeah and if Perot hadn't mucked things up in 92, Clinton wouldn't have won then either. Bush I would've had his 2nd term.

Alpha Conservative Male said...

That's really Al Gore?!!! Who knew that a person could gain so much weight from eating tree barks. Sine he created he internet, one would think he would have used it to find a website to lose the weight