
Paging Dr. Dean, paging Dr. Dean...

What a putz. And liar to boot.

MR. RUSSERT: But those are words that will appeal to people. But when you go behind them, for example, what is the Democratic position on Iraq? Should we withdraw troops now? What do the Democrats stand for?

DR. DEAN: Tim, first of all, we don't control the House, the Senate or the White House. We have plenty of time to show Americans what our agenda is and we will long before the '06 elections.

(That's not an answer doctor)

MR. RUSSERT: But there's no Democratic plan on Social Security. There's no Democratic plan on the deficit problem. There's no specifics. They say, "Well, we want a strong Social Security. We want to reduce the deficit. We want health care for everyone," but there's no plan how to pay for it.

DR. DEAN: Right now it's not our job to give out specifics. We have no control in the House. We have no control in the Senate. It's our job is to stop this administration, this corrupt and incompetent administration, from doing more damage to America. And that's what we're going to do. We're doing our best. Look at the trouble they're having putting together a budget. Why is that? Because there's still a few moderate Republicans left who don't think it's OK to cut school lunch programs, who don't think it's OK to do some of the appalling things that they're doing in their budget. I saw a show last night which showed a young African-American man in California at the UC of Davis who hoped to go to law school. The Republicans want to cut $14 billion out of higher education so this kid can't go to law school. We're going to do better than that, and together, America can do better than that.

(No specifics, eh? That's because you have no plan.)

MR. RUSSERT: But is it enough for you to say to the country, "Trust us, the other guy's no good. We'll do better, but we're not going to tell you specifically how we're going to deal with Iraq."

DR. DEAN: We will. When the time comes, we will do that.

(Another non-answer)

MR. RUSSERT: When's the time going to come?

DR. DEAN: The time is fast-approaching. And I outlined the broad outlines of our agenda. We're going to have specific plans in all of these areas.

(And another. What a putz.)

MR. RUSSERT: This year?

DR. DEAN: In 2006.

What an asshole. Here's an idea, doctor; TRY ANSWERING A QUESTION FOR ONCE!!!


Paul Hue said...

I agree that this is a problem for democrats. What specifically do the democrats, or any particular candidate, support?

I voted for Bush because I thought that he would specifically advocate the following things:

- Establishing a democracy in Iraq and Afgahnistan (applies only to reelection)
- Advocate for school vouchers
- Advocate for lowering, flattening, and simplifying taxes.
- Advocate for privatization of Social Security.
- Select supreme court nominees who adhere rigidly to the constitution as it is written, placing the burden onto we voters who want new ammendments.
- Advocate for reduction in federal spending. (Turned out to be wrong here.)
- Advocate for including torture as part of the war in Iraq.

In exchange for thest things that I support, I accepted the following specific things that I believe that he advocates, which I oppose:

- Constitutional amendment banning flag burning.
- Court houses displaying promotions of christianity.
- Advocate for banning abortions. Note: I am unsure if the constitution permits such bans.

I am moslty unsure what it is that Democrats stand for, other than maintaining the following:

- High taxes
- Complicated taxes
- Ban on vouchers
- Ban on banning abortions.
- A belief that the US should not have invaded Iraq. What would any democrat do now? I don't know.
- A ban on turture in the war in Iraq.

BUT: Whereas I agree that Dean's presentation was appalling, I don't think that it was any worse than many of the Republican presentations. For example, that House leader claiming that there was no fat to cut from the federal budget.

Paul Hue said...

Six: Keep in mind that many repo politicians can be just as obtuse as Dean.