
More Price Gouging nonsense

Here's Tommy Sowell trying again, brilliantly and vainly, to explain simple economics to an ignorant, uninterested public that already "KNOWS" everything. This morning Imus called pretro station owners "criminals" for doubling their prices in response to Hurricane Katrina... BEFORE THERE WAS EVEN TIME FOR THE PRICES OF THEIR SUPPLIES TO INCREASE!!! A Republican senator on the phone agreed, stating that he saw a petro station attendant take a phone call, then go increase the prices!!! This observation isn't amazing, but the senator's assumption that it indicated a repuslive, dastardly act *IS* amazing. With republicans like him, who needs democrats?

What is better durring a hurricane: Gas stations with empty gas tanks displaying pre-hurricane prices, or Gas stations with full gas tanks, displaying prices that are as drastically different as are the weather conditions?

1 comment:

Alpha Conservative Male said...

Ask a liberal what "Oil Futures" are, and watch the blank look they give you in return lol. Also, try asking them what is the purpose the New York Merchantile Exchange. and see the same blank and clueless expression.