
Thomas Sowell: Riots In France

"Not all Moslems, nor necessarily a majority of Moslems, are either a cultural or a physical danger. But even "moderate" Moslem organizations in the West who deplore violence and try to discourage it nevertheless encourage their followers to remain foreigners rather than become part of the countries they live in.

So do our own intelligentsia and political and cultural elites. Balkanization has been glorified as "diversity" and diversity has become too sacred to defile with anything so gross as hard facts. But reality is not optional. Our survival may in the long run be as menaced by degeneration within -- from many sources and in many ways -- as was that of the Roman Empire."


Paul Hue said...

I am very scared and worried that perhaps my children will inherit a less tolerant, less propserous world. I do not know the answer. There is a large actie population of people in this world who are intolerant and who oppose freedom. On the other hand there are two other active populations of people: One -- the leftists -- tolerate these monsters, and the other population -- the Bushies -- seem bent on opposing the monsters using very poor judgement (such as torture).

Unknown said...

At least, "torture" aside, there is someone bent on opposing them. It's easy to win a popularity contest (see: Clinton) when you take a stand on and stand for nothing. Bush on the other hand, as flawed as a President and as his administration may be realizes the threat the world faces and is willing to take it on head on. This in complete contrast with the French whose solution to their current situation is to wring their hands and offer more social programs to the rioting scum.

Europe is doomed unless they wake up, NOW!

Paul Hue said...

I think you have a point. I believe that "the left" and "the right" both have strengths, and that the best path will always include influences from both. Naturally I now think that the very best path would be "to the right," but certainly with certain influences from "the left". By this I mean that "the left" has a greater tendancy to care about such things as minimizing torture, providing some safety net for people "on the bottom," preserving nature, etc. I think that in waging a direct war (a more likely approach of the Western right, I think, in this circumstance), the best approach would be for the military to minimize turture, civilian causualties, and destruction. I do not think that this has occured.