
Give Walmart employees a raise yourself!

George Mason University must be a great place to be an economics student. Walter Williams and this guy, the author of Cafe Hayek, are professors there. Tom and Nadir should start shopping at Walmart, and tip the cashier $10 everytime. This won't bring back those better jobs ad the mom-and-pops, but if just one person an hour tips the cashier $10, that's a pretty hefty raise.


Unknown said...

Hey, what a great idea! No kidding. If Wal Mart employees are so dismally under-paid, then give them a little extra at the cash register! Or to the guy or gal stocking the shelves, or unloading the trucks on the receiving dock. But of course, that's not anti-Wal Mart-American way, is it? It's the gov't's job to punish Wal Mart into paying their employees a "living" wage, whatever the hell that is.

Great concept.

BTW, I have started utilizing my blog once again. Check it out.

Paul Hue said...

And why stop at the cashier. Tom and Nadir should perform some rough calculation of the amount of money that they save by making purchases at evil Walmart, translate that into cash, and then distribute it amoung the workers as they shop. And they should advocate that we do this as well.

Alpha Conservative Male said...

Living wage my behind. If person wants to make a "living wage", all he or she has to do is getting marketable skill. Notice that librals never want to address such a simple concept? You don't find too many people with college degrees and a marketable trade working at walmart. I don't see how liberals suffer from that disconnect in logic. I guess they see this through a prism of how communisim is suppose to work. Nobody's job is more important then the next person, and all would receive the same pay based on it. That almost sounds like how unions are set up. Anyways, Iam gong to walmart tomorrow just for the hell of it lol.