
Did US Honkeys "Steal" Mexico?

As Cinco De Mayo approaches, it would be nice if we knew what we were celebrating. When I was a liberal, Cinco de Mayo meant celebrating Mexico's Independance from Spain, which seemed to mean non-white people ("Mexicans") winning independance (which doesn't mean freedom, Nadir!) from Spain, which liberals sort-of know is a white country, but manage to forget when assigning racial catagories to people with Spanish sir names.

The bizarre current immigration demonstrations brings to the fore these wierd contradictions and inaccuracies, resulting in perplexingly incorrect claims, such as, "We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us!" These demonstrations surely are turning some sympathetic folks away, who are insulted by those who would sneak into their country, then demand citizenship as their right. These demonstrators have the share with US liberals a misconception of Cinco de Mayo.

Spain and England and France are white countries. Whites from these countries sailed to the Americas, conquered the lands, and fought with each other for control of these lands. Many of the whites in the Americas fought with their home countries, and won their independance. Cinco de Maya is racially no different than the US's Fourth of July. Intellectually, it is different, because the honkies of the 4th of July produced a blueprint for a democracyh, wheras the white folks of the 5th of May produced no such guide for future generations to achieve an ever better country, one that attracts a million or so new residents.

The honkies of the US and Mexico fought each other for control of North America. As a result, a large part of Mexico transfered from the Mexican whites to the US whites. Why do today's amalgemated descendants of American Indians and Spaniards (technically, "mestizos", but bizarly and incorrectly simply called "Mexicans", though many Mexicans with Spanish sur names are white) consider California and Texas to have been "stolen" from them by the US?

In terms of American Indians of those days, the white Mexicans were no less theives than the US whites (or, for that matter, the earlier American Indians who had themselves in turn "stole" these lands as well!). As for the whites of those days, neither those of Mexico nor the US had higher moral claims to those lands. Since about half a million Mexican mestizos annually transfer to the US, apparently they prefer the US govt to the Mexican govt. Why would any of them lament, then, the US govt long ago winning those lands from the Mexican govt? Also, thos immigrating Mexicans don't even hail from the areas that transfered from Mexico to the US!

How did the word "Mexican" come to qualify as a "race"? How can Cinco de Mayo plausably represent mestizos standing up against honkey aggression?


Unknown said...

Okay, since these illegal and legal Mexican imm-ingrates think the American southwest was stolen from "them" by "us" let's just imagine for a moment that California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, etc. all became part of Mexico again. What do think would happen? That territory would become as corrupt and impoverished as the rest of Mexico currently is. Their gov't would ruin it just as they've ruined their current country.

And what do think would happen next? Hmmm? Those same illegal imm-ingrates would be crossing over into Oklahoma and Colorado and Louisiana and so on and so on, looking for a better life in the good old US of A.

Think about it.

Paul Hue said...

Six: These mexican immigrants already are rushing into those states. I happen to think that this is a good thing. According to our economic advisers over at Cafe Heyak, these mexican immigrants provide a net benefit to the US; apparently they also benefit themselves.

Though they are our laws, and their demands are obnoxious, two-faced, and illogical, and hypothetically I oppose amnesty, I am inclined to let them stay, make them legal, and modify our policies to make it easier for more to come legally.

But will they start voting for the socialist policies that have held Mexico from prosperity?