
Duke Rape DA Intimidates, Punishes Defense Witnesses

One of the things that really upsets me about this Duke Rape affair is that the accuser won over me and many people with her apparently false allegations. Simply claiming rape automatically captures the leftists who subscribe to the myth that rape allegations are always accurate. Adding claims of racism automatically captures leftists and the vast majority of blacks, who automatically believe any such claim. Outside of those two groups, people tend to assume that a charge of rape is genuine, but not to the extent that the feminists do. The initial reports drew 100% condemnation onto the lacrosse team, including by conservative cable news pundints, every one of which issued angry rails against a Duke lacrosse team that had "gone wild", and was enjoying undeserved coddling. All the cable news shows -- including those hosted by conservatives -- ran segments along these lines. White-majority crowds on Duke's campus daily protested against the team, distributing flyers with their pictures and names, labeling them "rapists" and demanding explusion and arrest for all of them. Not one pro-laccrosse voice arose.

When the DA announced that the team was "uncooperative," nobody doubted or questioned his assertion. Even conservitive pundits demanded that "somebody on the team come forward and put courage and what's right over protecting scumbags". All the conservative commentators made a big show of proclaiming that "just because she's a stripper" doesn't give anybody the right to violate her. When the DA announced that he had obtained DNA, that it would "identify the culprits and exonerate the innocent," every conservative commentator accepted this claim, and not a single voice of support arose for the players...

...until a black attorney for the players appeared on a cable show and made two proclamations: (1) That no sex occured, even consensual, and that the DNA testing would come back 100% free and clear; and (2) the first 911 call was a phoney made by the "Second Stripper." Only at this time did any commentators express any doubt, and it to the following form: If these claims by the defense bear out, this looks like a fake charge; otherwise, the guys are toast, and deserve whatever they get.

Now we have the DA arresting the Indian cab driver who provides an alabi for one of the accused. Arrested for what? Two years ago he dropped off a fare at a mall. The fare went inside, stole some shoes, got back in his cab, and he drove her to her house. A security guard traced his license plate, contacted him, and he provided the information that led to the fare getting convicted. As Jeff Fieger pointed out when the DA instituted petty charges against the non-arrested players: is this the conduct of a DA who "has a case"?

This is abuse of the extraordinary legal powers held by police and prosecuters. Many of the unquestioning, automatic supporters of the accuser declare that Durham justice in 2006 is "racist against blacks." Yet both the stripper and her strip partner got arrested for serious crimes, and received pretty light sentances. Where is the evidence that in 2006 Durham -- with its black mayor, black police chief, black cops, black-majority council, and DA behaving in this way -- has an anti-black judicial system?


Paul Hue said...


Some commentators discuss the arrest of the cab driver. This intimidate the cab driver... or make him angry at the DA. Another reason to never interact with cops. You never know if there's some preposterous warrent out for you due to some unforseeable mistake.

Paul Hue said...


More on the cab driver getting arrested.