Why I Rejected Radical Islam
Charter School Disaster Recipe
Detroit Teachers #1 Goal: Themselves (part 2)
DPS employees -- overpaid and overly numerous administrators, plus teachers and members of the school board -- are taking extreme measures to keep their jobs. No, I don't mean eliminating useless and counter productive levels of bureaucracy, slashing administrative salaries and perks, cleaning up rampant money corruption, or overhauling the curricula to focus on the basics. No, instead they are going door-to-door to explain to parents why they should stick with DPS, and holding abandoned, vacant DPS schools unavailable to charter schools for purchase or leasing.
The article doesn't mention that charter schools get less per pupil govt dollars than do DPS schools, that they have to pay for facilities which DPS gets free from the city, and that DPS is failing despite receiving more per pupil bucks than most metro suburban districts (to which DPS students flee!).
As always I must state my view that charter schools can only truly work if they use their relative freedom from govt regulations to institute back-to-basics education taught by truly qualified academicians.
(Part 1)
Threat from Global Warming... Policies
Meanwhile, reports come in of especially cold temps in US Rocky Mountains, South Africa, and California Central Coast.
Petro Retailers Profits Vanish as Prices Soar
Racism in Rural Louisiana / Nooses At High School
Here's a case of real racism that is unambitious, and I hope this one gets national attention.
White Companies Nab "Minority" Contracts
Those companies continue to thrive, while the black company flounders, with no government contracts. The owner of that company asks a very interesting question: Since the fraud of the white companies cost him business, why does that fine go to the federal govt instead of to his company?
As a general rule, I oppose Affirmative Action. However, had this affair worked out as intended, a significant contract would have gone to an authentic, home-grown Detroit business, employing people and spending money in a place that the rest of us tsk-tsk for its civic and business leaders making so many poor choices. Well, here's a business leader making smart choices, and now he's going down the tubes, while cheaters in the suburbs merely get a fine, paid to the government that should have prevented this in the first place.
What a disgusting shame.
Best Gay Military Position: Inclusion!
This article explores Britain's gay military position, which is the one that Nadir's dad and I favor: surprise, it has caused no problems. Another area where we libertarians must hold our noses when we vote for Repos.
Sicko: Cuban Embargo, Moore Prosecution
This weekend I watched a 3-hour History Channel documentary on Mao's Long March. It reminded me that the evil nit wit Chiang Kai-shek decamped to Taiwan, where under US partnership over the years has produced a prosperous and free nation.
This doesn't always work, of course. Just look at Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, etc. But the US has tried for 40+ years a single Cuban policy, and we know it has failed. Let's try another one that has worked elsewhere before with a pretty good batting average. I sympathize with the Miami ex-pats who believe that Castro betrayed them, that they helped him win (they did all the dirty work in Havana, and handed it over to Castro, whose men fired nary a shot there) only with the understanding that he would replace the Batista tyranny with a democracy, and that he instead simply brought in an even worse tyranny. I get that. But we have to let that go and move on to the situation that has a better chance of producing freedom. We can never achieve "cosmic justice", a fact that lefties reject in too many cases, but righties have their problems with this as well.
A reformed Cuban policy would also include leaving alone Michael Moore, who may have produced an unfair agitprop boosting Cuba's healthcare system. Let's let the facts win that battle, not US fed agents, whose efforts against Moore will surely produce no effect other than to boost his esteem. Only people organized into a government agency could concoct as stupid an effort as to waste our tax funds investigating and prosecuting Michael Moore for this; can it produce anything but extra box office proceeds and international celebration for Moore? Yet another woe for us libertarians who foolishly voted for Bush expecting a smaller government.
Lebanese Govt Fights Islamic Terrorists
As with the Isrealis, the Lebanese here face Syrian cross-border support for these tyrants, and have in response imposed border shut-downs. I am curious to learn if the Lebanese army has employed tactics used last summer by the Isrealis, which the international press media, along with hysterical Islamic nuts, condemned; will they also condemn the Lebanese? I am also curious about what the Lebanese army has done differently than the Isrealis, and which of these tactics work and which fail. The Lebanese of course have ways to shut down its own Syrian borders unavailable to the Israelis, who employed bombers to destroy roads and the airport.
Could the Israelis last summer have worked out a cooperative effort with the Lebanese govt's forces?
Interesting outtake from the article: “We wish the government would destroy the whole camp and the rest of the camps,” said another in the crowd, Ahmad al-Marooq. “Nothing good comes out of the Palestinians.” Imagine if an Israeli Jew said this; apparently Lebanon has its own Palestinian refugee problem. "Lebanon’s 400,000 Palestinians remain among the most downtrodden refugees in the Arab world, enjoying few rights and facing strict restrictions on the kind of jobs they can take. Most are limited to menial, low-paying work and face significant prejudices." Might this be even worse than Gaza & the West Bank? Palestinians in Israel surely have full economic and political rights of a modern civilization.
Reminds me that the land of "Palestine", inherited by the British when they defeated the colonial non-democratic Turks, got segmented into several parts, with Israel emerging from one of those parts, and the other parts now belonging to Lebanon and Jordon.
The current internal Lebanese fight began in the northern seaside town of Tripoli. (I didn't know that Lebanon had its own town Tripoli, just like Libya. I wonder if the origins of each derive from the ancient Lebanese colonialists, the Phoenicians, who ruled over Libya.)
Michael Moore's Sicko Call for Socialized Med
And certainly some huge fraction (I assume well over half) of our healthcare problems derive from people not taking best advantage of the most effective mechanisms for achieving the longest and most disease-free lives: diets and exercise programs taken as seriously as Americans take other aspects of their lives. And don't for get education, which studies show have a greater positive impact on longevity and health than does access to the "health care system". Those factors (diet, exercise, education) lie outside of the pharmaceutical, surgery, radiation, and other high-tech medical features that compose the Medical Industry.
Thus no matter which direction you favor -- more socialization or less --for American access to the Medical Industry, in my opinion, the non-medical factors are far more important. Neither socialism nor capitalism can possibly guarantee every American the equivalent of a spacious three bedroom suburban house, which is easily the cost of high tech treatments for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and the other "degenerative", choice-based diseases that constitute the bulk of US medical conditions. If Americans instead chose to take as much care in choosing food as they do sneakers, TVs, and cars, and if exercise became as important to them as access to high blood pressure drugs, we could have a chance to have a medical industrial system that could effectively treat accident emergencies and other maladies not deriving from poor health choices.
US Iraq Embassy Mistake
Armed Victim Reduces Crime Pop By One
Global Warming Makes Him Laugh!
"We're all going to survive this. It's all going to be a joke in five years," he said. Water vapour was responsible for 95 per cent of the greenhouse effect, an effect which was vital to keep the world warm, he explained. The other greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen dioxide, and various others including CFCs, contributed only five per cent of the effect, carbon dioxide being by far the greatest contributor at 3.6 per cent.
However, carbon dioxide as a result of man's activities was only 3.2 per cent of that, hence only 0.12 per cent of the greenhouse gases in total. Human-related methane, nitrogen dioxide and CFCs etc made similarly minuscule contributions to the effect: 0.066, 0.047 and 0.046 per cent respectively.
"That ought to be the end of the argument, there and then," he said. "We couldn't do it (change the climate) even if we wanted to because water vapour dominates."
Is this guy correct? I'm not certain, surely not certain enough to castigate all who refute him, which seems to be the attitude of the average American worried that humans are ruining the planet, including the creation of a catastrophic amount of warming.2007-05-18
Imagine If We Treated Hookers Like Doctors
Lefty Support For "Offshoring"
Remember the great "offshoring" debate? It was all the rage a few years ago. Modern communications allowed white-collar work to be zapped around the world. We faced a terrifying future of hordes of well-educated and poorly paid Indians and Chinese stealing the jobs of middle-class engineers, accountants and software programmers in the United States and other wealthy nations. Merciless multinational companies would find the cheapest labor and to heck with all the lives ruined in the process.
What happened? Well, not much.
... [an economist] examined a survey on "mass layoffs" from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to see how many stemmed from offshoring. The answer: 4 percent. That included both manufacturing and service jobs.In 2004 and 2005, the BLS counted almost 1 million workers fired in layoffs of 50 or more. That isn't a huge number in a labor force of about 150 million. Moreover, most causes were domestic. The largest reason (accounting for about 25 percent) was "contract completion"—a public works job done, a movie finished. Other big categories included "downsizing" (16 percent) and the combination of bankruptcy and "financial difficulty" (10 percent). Only about 12 percent of layoffs stemmed from "movement of work"—a category that would include offshoring. But two thirds of those moves were domestic.
[he] located a similar survey for Europe.====================
And here Newsweek's leftish international commentator Fareed Zakaria expresses his similar view.
Devistating Critique of Bush's Iraq War
This guy served as a combat officer in two Iraq tours, and he summarizes my view of this war thusly: "Armies do not fight wars; nations fight wars." T
his observation is crucial, and the Bushies ignored it completely. They failed to account for the fact that about 20% of Americans hate America, blaming it for all problems on earth, and will during many war situations oppose and scrutinize every step taken by US forces, effectively serving as the enemy's public relations arm. Accounting for this population of Americans should have caused Bush to avoid many of his critical mistakes, such as declaring without qualification the existence of WMD and claiming imminent threat, permitting any sort of torture, populating the initial post-Hussein govt with Americans, building the world's biggest and most elaborate embassy, making stupid blustery speeches ("They will hear you!" "Mission Accomplished!") etc, etc.
Through the march into Baghdad, US troops really did get met with cheers, and this anti-US faction in America mostly kept mum, and the entire nation effectively waged the war. Then the mistakes materialized, and the devoted anti-US population piled on, and this took us to where we are.
Instead of ignoring this faction of the US population in its war plans, and railing against it rhetorically, the Bushies should have utilized the concerns of these people, and catered to those concerns. In a democracy, it is not, and cannot be, an assumption of war strategy that once the president and congress authorize and implement a war that citizens will unify and maintain support, simply because loud criticisms by citizens of a democracy at war undermines that war effort. Ultimately I fault not the devoted anti-US Americans for all their angry rhetoric helpful to the tyrants, but rather I fault Bush for not effectively accounting for this phenomenon.
Detroit Teachers #1 Goal: Themselves
Consider that this system gets from local, state, and federal taxes pools a total of about $12k per student each year, and all its facilities are paid for. That amounts to $240k for a single 20-student classroom. How are these people managing to produce failure with such a huge budget?
Simple: As this article demonstrates, these people ensure that only they can spend this money. They use all of their waning powers prevent anybody else from taking that money and seeing if they can succeed where Detroit's government school officials have failed. This article reminds us that some racist honkey in the suburbs a few years ago offered to donate $200 million to build a set of private schools-of-choice in Detroit for Detroit residents, provided that (1) these schools operated independently of Detroit's school board; and (2) the schools received for their students that $12k per student budget. Response from those presiding over Detroit's bankrupt (literally) school system, including Mayor Kilpatrick: No.
If they had accepted, I wonder how many Detroit parents would have given it a chance.
Here's an article that touches on the corrupted spending practices of this outfit: A few months ago a new superintendent got ousted, and he says it's because he tried to expose thieving.
Tax (Rate) Cuts Continue Boosting Tax Rev
This Saturday I paid $10 to see Nadir perform in Downtown Detroit at the Buzz Bar. Perhaps $10 was Nadir's optimum ticket price: he would have earned less at $9 or at $11. Or perhaps $10 was too much; perhaps at $7 enough more people would have attended to draw even more revenue than did $10. Or, perhaps the same people (or just a few less) would have attended at $20.
In any case, when those misanthropic Republican haters of poor people claimed that certain government fees (which are what taxes are) were above their optimum price (capital gains taxes "on rich people"), they predicted that their proposed price cut would result in increased revenue from these and other tax sources. Lovers of poor people, Democrats, predicted the opposite. Who was correct?
Better Living Via Economic Growth
Bemoaning human fecundity has been in vogue at least since 1798, when Thomas Malthus wrote his famous essay arguing that since people multiply faster than the food supply, more babies eventually mean more starvation and misery.
Malthus was wrong (as he later acknowledged), but two centuries later neo-Malthusian misanthropy is as fashionable as ever. A report published this week by the Optimum Population Trust, a British think tank, recommends population reduction as the "most effective" strategy to prevent climate change. "The greatest thing anyone . . . could do to help the future of the planet," suggests OPT co-chairman John Guillebaud, "would be to have one less child."
...Since 1950, the world's population has soared by more than 150 percent. Yet food has become so abundant that global food prices (in real terms) have plunged 75 percent. Over the past generation, chronic undernourishment in poor countries has been slashed from 37 percent to 17 percent, while in the United States, staples such as potatoes and flour have dropped in price (relative to income) by more than 80 percent.Or take infant mortality. Before industrialization, children died before reaching their first birthday at a rate exceeding 200 per 1,000 live births, or more than one in five. "In the United States as late as 1900," Goklany writes, "infant mortality was about 160; but by 2004 it had declined to 6.6." In developing countries, the fall in mortality rates began later, but is occurring more quickly. In China, infant mortality has plunged from 195 to below 30 in the past 50 years.
Life expectancy? From 31 years in 1900, it was up to 66.8 worldwide in 2003.
Health? We are more likely to be disease-free today than our forebears were a century ago. And the onset of chronic illness has been significantly delayed -- by nearly eight years for cancer, nine years for heart diseases, and 11 years for respiratory diseases.
Personal Choice To Beat 91 year-old Man
The choices of these people in Detroit to harm other people and themselves, and to destroy and steal, and to refrain from improving themselves, is a major source of Detroit's troubles. Residents of Detroit live in a democracy, and they have choices to vote. But they also have other choices as well.
I like that this 91 year-old-man was at a liquor store. What was he buying? The interview of him and his wife show that decent, self-respecting, intelligent people can drink healthily well into old age!
Here he rails at the people who stood around watching and chatting while he got beaten.
MSNBC Better without Imus
Bonds Steroid Use
Honkies Behaving Badly: My Space Party Crashes
Hitchens V. God
And here's Hitchey debating none other than Al Sharpton on the question of god's existance. You have to hand it to Al: he is charming, quick-witted, and very funny (when he's not pompously demanding the head of Dom Imus!).
Here's an overview of his case against Mother Teresa, which I title, "Mother Teresa Was No Mother Teresa."
Here's a NYT review of his book. The writer takes numerous unsubstantiated and gratuitous cheap shots at our man, but whenever the writer offers a judgment based on facts and logic related to those facts, he sides with Hitchey. As an example, the writer declares that Hitchey's various positions are deliberate contrarian parlor games intended to amuse, though this conclusion can be based on nothing but the writer's own imagination, unless he's a mind-reader. Yet in assessing Hitchey's arguments against god, he admits that Hitchey has convinced him.
More Global Warming Skepticism
Here's an article about some other scientists who conclude that independent of human activity, global temperatures have always seesawed, and that this explains today's observations.
And here a University of Alaska environmental prof joins the skeptic ranks.
Still more contradictions for the hysterical view, from the man who discovered the greenhouse effect at the turn of the last century, in a paper that described how "global warming" had already begun, that indeed human activity contributed to it, and that it would make the world a more inhabitable place. For one thing, he said, people in Greenland would perhaps regain their ability to cultivate the land there, something they had done prior to a period of global cooling.
Here we have April 2007's ave temp actually cooler than the 20th century ave. That doesn't disprove global warming, or a human cause of it, but it does make you wonder why the hysterics are 100% convinced.
Here's a list of more scientists joining the skeptic camp, including former advocates of catastrophic man-made global warming.
Racist Republicans Going Obama!
Some "racist" country. No wonder so many black immigrants move here and stay forever, and so few native blacks ever leave.
Chavez "Nationalizes" Petros, Eyes Banks, Steelers
Criticizing Israeli action
Tens of thousands streamed onto a Tel Aviv square after sundown Thursday, demanding that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert resign because of a government inquiry's scathing criticism of his handling of the inconclusive war in Lebanon last summer.
Olmert remained defiant, hoping to beat back a rising wave of calls to step down. A day after his popular foreign minister joined the chorus, Olmert's aides argued it was not a mortal political blow, but conceded a large-scale public protest campaign could bring him down.
Turnout on the square in front of Tel Aviv's City Hall appeared to top 100,000, but police refused to estimate the crowd's size.
The rally drew a cross-section of Israelis -- moderates and hard-liners, secular and religious, young and old, a rare mix symbolizing the widespread dissatisfaction with Olmert.
This isn't the first time an Israeli PM has earned his people's derision after disgracing himself in Lebanon:
In 1982, hundreds of thousands marched to the square to protest Israel's involvement in the massacre of Palestinian refugees in Beirut by a Christian militia, a step toward the resignation of then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon and the eventual retirement of Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
In many ways, the terms of debate around Israeli actions are much broader in Israel than here.
The Sham of Islam -- Hitchens
Not only did they marry all the cute hos around them, and did so by claiming that god told them to, but they also both claimed that god was revealing his word directly to them... which in both cases turned out to be inaccurate retellings of the Bible (as you might expect from the understanding of a book obtained by illiterate people), except of course all the convenient on-the-spot revelations that satisfied their desires and personal interests. Both also made "revelations" that they later had to retract and blame on intervention from the devil.
In Moh's case, he had to retract a "revelation" that indeed there were more than one god after all, and that thus his band of highwaymen could enter into an alliance with Mecca's polytheists. When his offer got refused, he suddenly realized that must have been the devil telling him that there was more than one god! In Smith's case, his first wife caught onto his phony "revelations" that he had been dictating to a literate acolyte. So she stole a ream of pages, and declared, if god is telling you this, then dictate it again verbatim. He got out of this by claiming god revealed to him that the stolen ream contained text interjected by the devil. Hitchy declines to describe massacres led by each of these horrible men.
I wonder if in his book he considers the massacres of some of the Old Testament so-called heroes. And I wonder if he regards Jesus as I do: intelligent, genuine (except for the harmless fairy-tales), and worthy of admiration.
Here's a very funny Hitchey interview about his new book.
Some Progress in Iraq
Racist USA? 7% of Marriages "Interracial"
It takes oil to take oil
In World War II, the United States consumed about a gallon of fuel per soldier per day ... In the 1990-91 Persian Gulf War, about 4 gallons of fuel per soldier was consumed per day. In 2006, the US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan burned about 16 gallons of fuel per soldier on average per day , almost twice as much as the year before.
Yes, a journalist committed treason by reporting these facts, but didn't dig them up. It comes from a study by a defense consultant commissioned by the DoD. Not that the journalist, as well as the traitor who leaked the report, wouldn't benefit from a stint in Gitmo. This sort of stuff hardly bolsters the war effort.
Said the consultant's president: ""We are at the edge of a precipice and we have one foot over the edge. The only way to avoid going over is to move forward and move forward aggressively with initiatives to develop alternative fuels. Just cutting back won't work."
Who does this punk think he is--Al Gore? Off with his head.