
National Geographic News: Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

National Geographic, huh? Hmmm, not a publication known historically for their pro-industry, anti-environment stances are they?

Geez, I'll bet our little Martian friends are now wishing the President would have signed the Kyoto protocol!

I predict that within 10 years time the whole Global Warming craze will have been debunked and the vast majority of scientists who now buy into the theory lock, stock and barrel will have done a complete about-face on the topic. Without of course, as is usually the case, being held at all accountable for their causing near world-wide panic.


Unknown said...

In the meantime, that hypocritical, fact-twisting fat-ass Al Gorge continues to live in is climate-un-frindly mansion in Tennessee, and zips around the globe in his private jet, leaving his hefty "carbon footprint" everywhere. What a pig.

Nadir said...

"I predict that within 10 years time the whole Global Warming craze will have been debunked and the vast majority of scientists who now buy into the theory lock, stock and barrel will have done a complete about-face on the topic. Without of course, as is usually the case, being held at all accountable for their causing near world-wide panic."

I predict that within 10 years the polar ice caps will still be melting, and the earth will have shifted on its axis.

Paul Hue said...

Sounds like you boys are together: global warming is happening, but not because of human activity.

I'm unsure of either, but the human-caused aspect is looking more dubious to me because of the behavior of the scientific and non-scientific advocates of it. The debunkers for sure have their share of poorly behaving advocates. That figures into my failure to embrace that model fully.

Nadir said...

I think human activity is affecting global warming, but that the earth is also due for a climate shift. We are just accelerating this shift.