
The KKK is on the Rise

In a recent email exchange, I saw Paul Hue's response to news that the KKK is making another comeback. (They seem to do so every 40 years or so.) His statement was, "A tiny group has become slightly less tiny."

I have to say, I'm a member of some "tiny" groups. Growing chapters in 20 states does not fit the definition of "tiny".

From the story linked above:

Today's KKK doesn't have to rally in public places. Instead, they can hide on the Internet and secretly spreading their hate message to a whole new generation and a bigger audience.

They are doing that by getting to a larger audience using streaming video, advertising white power rallies and concerts, even broadcasting a new Klan newscast.

The anti racist group's research found states with growing Klan chapters not just in the south but in Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Click HERE to read the Anti-Defamation League's full report.

But regardless, the real message is that Klan members, sympathizers and like-minded organizations and individuals could be anywhere. You don't know what the guy in the cubicle down the hall is doing on his off hours...

1 comment:

Paul Hue said...

Yes, Nadir, and perhaps while I'm at work space invaders have stolen all my furnature and replaced it with EXACT REPLICAS! I'm curious to know what you predict is the relative probability of your being assaulted, burgled, or vandalized from:

1. Members of a white supremicist organization.
2. Another black person, or, heck, we can even just make this catagory: all people not belonging to white supremicist groups.

In surveying all the property damage and theft, and physical injuries, committed against black folks, how do these break down into those catagories?

How many black people do you know, Nadir, who have had crimes of property or bodily injury committed against them? What fraction has occured by white supremicits?

Have you ever been beaten by KKKers? Formaly threatened by them? Suffered vandalism by them? I have, repeatedly, back in the 1970s, for doing EXACTLY WHAT I DO TODAY, EVERY DAY. In the 1970s Austin, Tx, that was a dangerous proposition. Today, it's a no-risk proposition.

I give thanks to those who defeated the Nazis and the KKKers; out of respect for them, I am fighing the next fight, not re-fighting battles that they already won for me.