
Protesters Sue for Speech Spot

Organizers planning a protest during President Bush's State of the Union address next week say they have been denied a permit to hold the demonstration around the US Capitol Reflecting Pool because that area has been reclassified as part of the security perimeter for the day of the speech.

The organizers of the Tuesday protest, called "World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime," say the National Park Service and the US Capitol Police initially offered them the Capitol Reflecting Pool as a demonstration site but changed their minds.

Travis Morales, one of the organizers of the demonstration, said the restrictions effectively deny the protesters a meaningful public space to gather as a group. The nearest place to meet together, he said, is Seventh Street, about a mile from the Capitol.

"We are being told that turf renovation and security trump our First Amendment right to protest," he said.


Paul Hue said...

Thanks for pointing out another thing that Bush has done wrong. I disagree with this action of his as well.

Where you equally upset when Clinton used to do the same thing with abortion and NAFTA protesters? Just checking.

And do you join me in opposing the students who shouted-down Ann Coulter the other week, preventing the students who came to hear her?

Nadir said...

"Where you equally upset when Clinton used to do the same thing with abortion and NAFTA protesters? Just checking."

I sure was.

"And do you join me in opposing the students who shouted-down Ann Coulter the other week, preventing the students who came to hear her?"

I do. If Ann Coulter weren't a hot blonde, she would be ignored anyway. Her comments are ignorant and ill-conceived. I say let her talk, then debate her, and her stupidity will reveal itself.

Her hate speech included...

Paul Hue said...

Agreed. I would fiercely oppose anybody shouting down Cindy Sheehan.

As for Ann, she just doesn't do it for me. Blond, yes (but so what); hot, no.