
Bush Curruption

I hope that prosecuters hit these guys hard, and carefully scrutinize Haliburton. The Clintons had plenty of curruption, and got away with most of it. Those of us who voted for Bush should all want a higher standard for him and his allies. Those of us who advocate free markets and small governments require examples of exemplary service; anything else provides ammunition for those devoted to socialization, and weaken interest from those who would otherwise wish to give free markets and small government a try.



Nadir said...

Don't you wish Bush believed in core conservative principles like small government and free markets? He has proven that Republicans are even more hell-bent on spending than the Dems. And to make matters worse, the Democrats would increase taxes before increasing spending, which is sound economics. You have to have the money to pay for those spending increases. Bush would rather cut taxes and borrow to pay for that money because he doesn't have to pay the interest on those loans. He and his cronies are playing with the U.S. treasury like it is their own monopoly money.

Doesn't it just piss you off that you voted for that hack?

Paul Hue said...

Yes, I do wish that Bush worked to advance free markets and small government. But you have your economics wrong: raising tax rates in the current climate of over-taxation will *REDUCE* tax revenues, and thus make increased govt spending worse.

Bush's tax cuts (he proposed and supported them; Congress alone can enact them) have predictably led to increased tax revenues, and have resulted in lower govt debt than would otherwise have occured.

Gore and Kerry would have attempted to either increase tax rates, or leave them unchanged (Congress would have decided), which would have been even worse, because they would have resulted in decreased tax revenues. For this and a few other reasons I am glad that I voted for Bush (just not nearly as glad as I would like to be).

Yes, I admit that Bush is a hack: He changes his views in order to gain votes. This is why this "small govt/free market" president signed that horrible transportation pork bill, has spoken out against "price gouging," and failed to nominate supreme court justices who have demonstrated records of supporting strict constitutional law.

You seem to suffer from the delusion that governments can increase & decrease taxe revenues. This is incorrect, though when I was a leftist I also suffered from this false beliefe. Governments can only increase and decrease tax RATES. Human beings making choices then react to those rates; their behaviors then determine the resulting tax revenues.

In the fairy tale world of leftist thought, Detroit city coffers would be overflowing due to the high and growing tax rates that it imposes. These high tax rates contribute to chasing humans out of the city, resulting in abandoned houses assessed with high tax rates, but with zero tax revenues.

It's just like those "un-gouged" petro prices: the low fairy tale price makes us all feel good knowing that the evil humans who own the station are not "getting rich", but the sign on the door reads, "Closed: Out of gas. Enjoy the low prices."