
Miers the only non-white guy qualified originalist?

I feared that Bush would further embarrass his supporters by replacing the white girl nominee Miers with another white guy. I hope the entire Bush administration goes down in flames. Sure, I know that no matter what he does, the leftists will hate him. If he had nominated a black chick, (Judith Rogers Brown), the leftists would have given him no credit for being a non-racist and valuing diversity. But he would have added new energy for those of us who defend him against those charges. Yes, I am excited about the prospect of having a supreme court that interprets laws rather than creates laws. But I am not excited about a white guy rescuing the supreme courte when a black chick could have. Plus, I think that Bush during the Meirs embarrassment revealed that he his no better than the liberals in wanting a justice who imposses her views (such as opposing abortion) rather than enforces constitutionality.


Unknown said...

Yeah, Rogers-Brown was my pick as well. But I'm not ready to condemn this guy just yet. I don't know enough about him yet to have an opinion. As far as whether the pick is a woman, or minority, I don't really care, as long as their qualified. I don't want a woman or a minority tapped just because of that.

I am actually surprised that you place so much importance on that Paul.

Paul Hue said...

I'm not condemming the nominee, but I've given up on Bush. I do place a high importance on promoting qualified people of various racial backgrounds, and both genders. When you get to a situation where you are choosing between a Rogers-Brown and this guy, they are both so qualified that you really can't make a meaningful distinction between them, like choosing between Cary Grant and James Stewart to star in a Hitchcock film. In such a case, why not work to bring a variety of people on-board? If the court is stocked with Ivy-league graduates, why not pick a person from a state university? And although I believe that for most of life's options, race has crumbled into irrellivence, a large fraction of the population disagrees with that. This misconception leads to problems. I think it also leads to problems having groups like the Supreme Court comprising 90% men and 90% honkies in a nation where about half the attornies are women, and 20-30% of the attornies are non-honkey. And simply as a political move to attract blacks to the libertarian/conservative movement, a second black justice would have helped, in addition to tilting the court over to constructionism. Thus a black constrictionist adds something that a honkey constructionist does not.

Paul Hue said...


"Why he did not choose to nominate Judge Janet Rogers Brown, who had already been ruled non-filibusterable by the group of 14 senators who hold the balance of power, is a mystery."