
The Season Of Our Discontent


EXERPT: True, Republican-endorsed tax cuts have led to more net federal revenue in 2005 than in 2001. Yet — even with the unanticipated costs of the 9/11 attack, the ongoing war and Hurricane Katrina — if the Bush administration had kept entitlement spending to Bill Clinton's levels (with small increases for inflation), we would today have a balanced budget and a small surplus.


Paul Hue said...

I am disgusted with what Nadir's Republican president and Republican congress/senate have done with spending. Nominating an apparent hack attorney as to the Supreme Court, and my newfound knowledge about the terror torture issue leads me to now call for a recall of Bush. Nadir I reckon would support this, but we would then vote for different alternatives. I hold out some hope that the repos will have Condi Rice or JC Watts on the '08 ticket. I am especially excited about JC, because he is forcefully on the record supporting the concepts that Bush has betrayed me on. Condi has no record of contending anything, but I would like to see the repos demonstrate that their voters care don't care about race.

Nadir said...

I didn't vote for that punk. YOU put him in office. Don't blame me. I voted for the other punk.

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I have been calling for U.S. regime change since 2001. Impeach the president.

Paul Hue said...

The way democracies work is that the winning candidate represents everybody, including those who voted against him, or who did not vote. Clinton was my president when I voted for him the first time, and when I voted against him the second time. You have offended me by calling me a punk; using that term also makes you a homophobe.

Nadir said...

I didn't call you a punk. I called Bush and Kerry punks. You, I would call an asshole.