
Bush's Feds Massively Misuse Katrina Funds

With Republicans like this, who needs Democrats? Looks like Bush again has let down and embarrassed those of us who voted for him because we thought that he would spend more frugally, and operate more efficiently, than the democrats. (At least his supporters who opposed gay marriages are happy.) I don't blame him for the Katrina disaster, but once it became obvious that the responsible parties had failed, this is the response he provided? Sending hundreds of thousands of dollars of ice to the wrong cities (a thousand miles away!), and grossly wasted money? If Kerry or Gore or Clinton were president, Republican voters like me would castigate them for this output, and assuredly proclaim that a Repo president would have shown the klunky Demos how to run a relief and rebuild response. Apparently we would have been wrong...

1 comment:

Paul Hue said...

Is Kwame now runing the White House? Cronies, atrocious spending policies...