
How to Hack a Diebold Voting Machine

Marty Kaplan provides instructions for rigging electronic voting records to insert your own vote count.

Glad they've switched back to paper here in Westland...


Unknown said...

Hmmm, I wonder, since Ferndale, that little bastion of leftism, homosexuality and lesbianism in which I live uses them, then were my ballots altered and/or nullified on Tuesday?

I doubt it. But then again I don't walk around seeing conspiracies everywhere I look.

Unknown said...

Or maybe I shouldn't be concerned because after all, leftists are just so dog-gone more honest and ethical and trustworthy than those dirty, rotten, right-wing nuts.

Nadir said...

"Or maybe I shouldn't be concerned because after all, leftists are just so dog-gone more honest and ethical and trustworthy than those dirty, rotten, right-wing nuts."

That's the first true statement you've made in a long time...

Unknown said...

Yeah, right.

Paul Hue said...

Surely even Nadir can't believe that leftists/democrats are any less likely to engage in dirty politics, payoffs, bribery, etc. The Repos in 2000 insisted that they were less likely than the demos, given the Clinton scandals. But we see now that whichever party is power gets more opportunities, and takes them. The 2000 election had both sides responding to the Florida contention in deplorable manners, with each side taking the same view of precincts that favored the other candidate: looking for violations to disqualify only those voting boxes, scrutinizing only those voting boxes, and including only favorable precincts in proposed recounts.

However, opinion polls virtually confirm the election results, though when margins are close, we can never really know with 100% certaintly who actually received the most votes. All we can do is erect the best system, enact it, and take the results. There are clearly some problems, and some exploitations of these problems. I would like us to all agree on some reforms that would reduce the ability to cheat. The solution is pretty obvious:

- Photo ID required for all voters.
- Voters assigned to a single polling station; or, using internet ability to modify the assigned station on-the-fly.
- Photocopy of voter's ID at the poll where he/she voted.
- Each party represented by a candidate entitled to an observer at each polling station.
- Electronic ballot produces several printouts, which the voter can confirm prior to disposing of them: one into polling station bin, one into the bin of each represented party, and one that he/she keeps. Ballot printout would not contain voter's name, but it would contain a unique ID. Only the voter would know his/her unique voter ID. All these groups and the opaque bins would sit in the same large room open to any observers.
- Party reps would hand-count their own bins and write their results on a form handed to the precinct officials, who would then hand them a copy of the official electronic count. Party reps can then challenge the official count, using their paper copies.