
Lobbying for Armageddon

Christian extremism is alive and well in the United States and more dangerous than most would care to admit. Republicans and other right-wingers will gladly tolerate these zealots as long as it helps keep them in power. If religious nuts can offer votes and support that will help advance imperialist notions of world conquest and power, then excuses will be made. Even by so-called Reformed Leftists.

"And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations - He shall rule them with a rod of iron; As the potter's vessels shall be broken to pieces..."

Revelations 2:26-27

1 comment:

Paul Hue said...

Thank god that we in the US have only to contend with christian extremists. The worse we irreligious people have to fear from them is a few courtrooms having bibles in them, lots of people advocating (without success) for voluntary prayers in school, and "god" printed on our coins. The million or so abortions successfully completed every year here argues conclusively that no religious nuts have hampered that activity.