
Media Manipulation Against Isreal

I'm re-reading the history of Isreal's foundation. What a horrible idea it was was! But, it happened, and the non-Jews have a pretty obvious choice for a bright future: accept it a move on. Meanwhile, the current war inspires reporters to manipulate coverage against Isreal, where -- in the current day rather than 70 years ago -- they're the most sensible actors on the stage.


Paul Hue said...


More info on that Qana "massacre." How about they just stop attacking Isreal and focus on building their own civilization?

Paul Hue said...

Here we have an initial report of an Isreali strike killing 40... but then corrected down to one. Nadir thinks that Isreal's army, with the best trained personel firing the most accurate weapons on earth, is *targetting* civillians, yet the data overturn such a claim. How many Isreali rockets did it take to kill that single Lebanese?

Paul Hue said...


Bloggers are discovering that many press photos purporting to demonstrate Lebanese destruction by Isreal are phonies.