
Memorizing A Bible = Wasted Mind

"The children, ages 7 to 14, are full-time students, in class 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, even in the summer. But they are not studying math, science or English. Instead, they are memorizing all 6,200 verses in the Koran, a task that usually takes 2 to 3 years."

And what will their mind be prepared for after this task? After having read the first 1/4 of the Koran, I can assure that war against the stinkin', rotten Jews would certainly be one qualification!


Paul Hue said...

"...the students, for the most part, do not understand what they are reciting. Muslims believe the Koran was spoken to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel in Arabic. Because it is seen as the literal word of God, the use of translations is frowned upon. Students know how to pronounce the words but mostly do not know what they mean."

How parfect. And get this: Memorizing the Koran guarantees the person not just a ticket to heaven, but ten tickets for anybody (such as encouraging parents!) of his (no girls, I assume) choosing. How marvelous. I'm sure that a few centuries ago christians practiced such nonsense.

Certainly some Jews still do (judging from the ancient clothing and hair styles I see, and the bobbing head Jewish prayers). But Jews can afford some retardation, given that they have largely achieved civilization currently.

Nadir said...

Paul, your comments betray your ignorance of these matters as usual.

Muslim scholars have been memorizing the Qu'ran for centuries. One of the requirements to become Imam in a Muslim community is to be able to recite a large number of Surahs (chapters) from the Qu'ran.

Instead of begging God for a new Cadillac, Muslims recite the words of different Surahs essentially speaking Allah's words back to him. This rote memorization is one way that Muslims immerse themselves in both the Arabic language and the words of Allah.

As I said, this has been practiced for centuries, so this was also happening when Muslims were creating algebra and educating neanderthal Europeans in the arts and sciences. Many of the Pakistani, Iraqi and Saudi engineers that you know may very well have memorized dozens of Surahs.

It's just a religious practice that you don't understand because you are a heathen. I'm sure you also don't understand baptism or circumcision, but you don't condemn Christians or Jews for these practices because you view them as "civilized".

One of these days that racism of yours is going to kill you.

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: I am aware that christians and jews and hindus also have retarded religious practices. But those religions are today participating in modern civilization. You mentioned that in the pre-Muslim times that Arabs and Persians were much more advanced than your European ancestors, whom you called "Neandrathals". This is certainly true. But today the Neadrathals are the Muslims who are leading a modern crusade against civilization.

The Mesapatopian and Persians who invented algebra, and overall created what were then the world's greatest civilizations did NOT memorize the koran, which didn't exist until those civilizations had already deteriorated. Memorizing the koran began because when Mohammad was alive, Arabic was an oral-only language. It lacked an alphabet and any written component. Non-Jewish Arabs were illiterate, as was Mohammad. The Arab jewish tribes in Mecca in addition to speaking Arabic also spoke, read, and wrote Hebrew. The pagen Arabs (including Mohammad), who lacked any written language, called these jews, "People of the Book", as the possession and use of books distinguished them. Meccans also knew about christians, who also had a book and utilized literate language.

When Mohammad started re-telling the Talmud/Old Testimate and New Testimate stories, changing them and adding to them in units that would later form the Koran, he belonged to a population of people who had developed a non-written method of recalling and transmitting information. The people who created the violent, ruthless, slave-mongering empires in Persia and Babalon/Mesopatomia to which you refer had literate languages, a staple of civilization perhaps contributed by them; they had no need for mindless memorization.

Written Arabic was invented to document the Koran. Memorizing it is every bit as stupid as many of the christian, jewish, and hindu superstitions and other backwards practices. However, these other religions have such practices under control, and these religions are not holding back civilization. Six and I side with the many muslims who seek reformation and advancement for islam so that it joins these other religions in participating in civilization rather than undermining it.

My views on this matter match those of many muslims, and derive from my desire for Muslims to enjoy freedom, prosperity, and safety at the apex of modern civilization. Therefore, by definition I am not, and cannot be, a "racist". You, however, expose yourself as a racist because you call my expression of these views "racist", but not the same views expressed by non-white muslims. Thus you deny or grant your approval based on your racial catagorization of the issuer of an idea.

Your comment that my "racism" (by which you mean my views) are going to get me "killed" no doubt refer to some muslim tyrants who kill people who articulate views that counter theirs. How sad that your sympathy lies with them.