
The "Courage" of Hollywood

Actor/Commedian/Lawyer/Invester Ben Stein on the 2005 Academy Awards.


Nadir said...

Obviously you don't believe you are a part of the war either because someone else's children are dying over there. You guys are such hypocrites.

Nadir said...

And the oil companies do a great job reaping record profits on the backs of American workers, American soldiers and Iraqi civilians.

Paul Hue said...

I agree with Ben Stein 100%. I think the guy is a genius.

I don't understand Nadir's phrase, "you don't believe you are part of the war." No, of course I don't believe that I am part of the war. I don't understand this point. Perhaps you mean that only members of the military, or their parents, are qualified to support a war? That's preposterous.

Thank god for the oil companies and their profits. Who are the oil companies? They are anybody who works for them, or who owns their stocks. Who benefits from these companies? Their employees, stock holders, and everybody who purchases their products, including American workers and civilians.

I can only imagine the sad fate of Iraqi civilians if there were no American oil companies. Actually, I don't have to imagine. I have read about their sad situation prior to the invasion. Their situation is worse now, but not because of the efforts of US forces or companies; it is worse because of the efforts of people who are as bad as the confederates, jim crowers, Rhodesian racists, and Afrikkaners.

Nadir said...

Paul, your disregard for the victims of US tyranny is disgusting.

Tom Philpott said...

The idea that a bunch of Hollywood heavyweights should give earnest speeches "supporting our troops" is pretty mindless. First of all, why would such blather be worth any more than, say, all the jaw-boning about the Dali Lama? Second, who is this Brit to come up with ideological litmus tests for Hollywood stars? Does he think that these stars should spout "support our troops" prattle, even if they disagree with the policies that brought them to Iraq in the first place? Aren't Hollywood stars hypocritical enough already? If you guys didn't already know this, recent polls show that not even US soldiers in Iraq "support our troops" the way this Brit wants Hollywood stars to. Most troops think the Iraqui adventure a bungled one, and want to come home. Maybe our Limey friend should write a column supporting that idea. There I go, coming up with litmus tests for right-wind UK columnists.

On the other hand, I do think the Hollywood left is pretty toothless. As this recent post on Gristmill shows--http://gristmill.grist.org/story/2006/3/7/145627/2798?source=daily--there are some things in their own backyard that deserve urgent attention. Guess all that scientology shit they're all kicking is more important, though.

Unknown said...

What Brit?

Tom Philpott said...

When I saw Spectator, I thought it was the venerable old conservative UK Spectator. Not I see it is the US version, and that "the Brit" I was discussing is actually a Yank.

Nevertheless, his characterization of the War in Iraq is so loaded it falls with a clunk: "the war to save freedom from Islamic terrorists." Oh, is that what it's about? By all means, use my tax dollars to buy guns and ammo! Come on. What if Nadir or I sent you guys to a Nation piece making some broader point after assuming that we're fighting "a war to secure oil reserves for US companies." Very few people believe Stein's characterization of the war anymore; why should a bunch of movie people?