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Prussian Blue is the name of the blue residue left over by the use of Zyklon B, the poison the Nazis employed to kill millions of Jews and others in concentration camps during World War II. The two girls learned their white supremacist ideology from their mother, April Gaede, who home schooled them and is their manager.
This is much worse than the autumn girl's poem. Maybe they should pair up with her, though on speaking engagements?
This is thoroughly sick and fucked up.
I think that this is much, much worse than Autumn, in terms of what these girls advocate, the things that they say, and even the context (whites for hundreds of years have as a group no been oppressed by outsiders). However, the audience reach of these girls is about zero. Meanwhile, Autumn's comparatively much tamer message is signficantly popular. Thus I am more worried by Autum and her message.
Last night I drove around Westland with Andrew, a mutual friend of mine and Nadir's, who grew up as an impoverished share cropper in rural Georgia, presumably on the same grounds where his ancestors were slaves. Andrew is an engineer who now owns 11 rent homes in Detroit, and his family has an income of about $200,000 and a retirement account of about the same size. I told him of Nadir's revelation about Westland as the national headquarters of the Nazis, and a history of klan activity. The following exchange ensued:
"How does he know that?"
"He read it."
"Nadir needs to stop reading."
In other words, Andrew's experiance in Westland leads to zero impression of racial animosity. So much so that to find it, one must dig up some "interesting facts" that contradict first hand experiance.
He was absolutely appalled by Autumn's presentation, especially her race-based instructions to have kids of one race stand and recite a pledge. He emphasized his family policy of not teaching his children about race or racial conflict. He said that such talk causes people to see the things that they expect, even if they are not there. He offered the following example:
He's in line at a convient store. A white guy is behind the counter. A white lady in her 50s asks where oatmeal is. The counter boy comes from behind the counter and shows her, then returns. Andrew asks where the Belle's beer is. The counter boy provides oral instructions, without providing a personal escort. "Is it because I'm black and the guys is a racist? Or is it because the guy's experiance tells him that the old lady won't be able to follow the instructions without help, but the young man will be able to?" Andrew says that people with Autumn's attitude are likely to racism where it does not exist, and that this provides a ready excuse for not succeeding.
I agree Paul. I drew a parallel the other day between the poem girl and these two girls. I still feel that much of what that girl said in her poem was simply hate-mongering, but it certainly pales in comparison to what these girls espouse in their songs and in what they believe. These two have been so warped it's unbelievable. Autumn has been warped as well, but at least her hatred and anger comes from tangible, logical source and can be defended historically.
Paul, the fact that you and our bourgeous friend, Andrew have the same opinions on race is irrelevant to me. I am aware that other opinions exist, and I take them into consideration. I happen to think you are both wrong in this case, and you guys think I am wrong. So what?
In fact, a white friend of mine told me that Westland is the headquarters of the American Nazi Party. He thought it was an interesting factoid, and I agreed.
The Prussian Blue chicks are reaching hundreds and possibly thousands of people through a niche audience. There is a large sub-culture that supports white supremacist musical groups just like there is a large sub-culture that supports contemporary Christian music. Just because you don't hear it on the radio, doesn't mean it isn't hugely popular in some sectors.
(I know that Paul believes there is no such thing as a sub-culture, but we have already established that he doesn't understand the definition of "culture".)
Autumn's poem reached a large audience because it was controversial. The Prussian Blue chicks, who already had a sizable following, gained even more popularity when they appeared on a television show last year.
Both Autumn and Prussian Blue represent children who are being brought up to have pride in their respective races. Autumn is from an oppressed group, and her poem is about those oppressed people coming together in love to overcome oppression. Prussian Blue is from the oppressor group, and their music encourages those oppressors to come together in love to increase and continue oppression.
Autumn's Black Panther pledge specifically warns against hatred. Prussian Blue specifically promotes hatred.
Why is Autumn's poem "hate-mongering" when she is simply talking about history, and is promoting pride, not hate? Both of you state that Prussian Blue is worse, but you think they are the same?
I believe you both know that Prussian Blue is preaching hatred. I also believe you both know that Autumn is preaching pride, but you are offended by her words, thinking that they somehow implicate you in some conspiracy of white supremacy. If you are not guilty, you shouldn't feel offended by a true historical account.
=====Nadir ======
(I know that Paul believes there is no such thing as a sub-culture, but we have already established that he doesn't understand the definition of "culture".)
I use the dictionary's definition of "culture," which I provided. This predicts the existance of "sub-cultures", as a collection of similar experiances definative of a specific population. The four of us here belong to the blogging culture, which is a sub-culture of American culture.
Nadir: You are the one who mis-uses the term culture, because you believe it is something that a person can inherit genetically, when clearly it is not. Something that you have not experianced cannot be your culture.
I still believe that the cracker girls have a far smaller audience than the message preached by Autumn; perhaps Autumn in particular has reached fewer people (though with her appearance on Def Jams and sponsored public school appearances I doubt that). The cracker girls also have no endorsement from public officials, unlike Autumn in particular and others in general with her message.
Race pride is a crucial neccessary component of the sort of very extreme racism promoted by the cracker girls; I detest it and oppose it. I teach Alexis to have as much pride in Thomas Jefferson as in Salmon Rushdie, the founder of Hyundai, and the brave Arabs who today stand up to the violent muslim crusade of backwardsness. I do not want to place anything between her and identifying with these other people who Nadir would catalog into different racial groups. Nor do I want her taking pride in accidents of birth combined with other peoples's catagorization of her, which is all that race amounts to.
Race pride is the very root cause of all that Nadir and Autumn rail against the most; did not Columbus have race pride? And for that matter, did not the Egyptians have race pride over the Nubians that they so violently conquered? Bull Conners surely had race pride.
Culture is not something that can be inherited genetically. It is environmental.
However, you can experience culture that wasn't passed to you by your parents. For example, the four of us here belong to the blogging culture, which is a sub-culture of Internet culture (international, not just American). Our parents never experienced such a culture or even considered its existence. Does that mean that our experiencing of this culture isn't authentic? Are we not being true to reality if we study blogging and make it a part of our life?
This is an accusation you have made of me regarding African culture. You lambasted me for learning about cultural aspects of life that were not passed on to me by my parents, and accused me of not "keeping it real".
So by spending your Saturday afternoon blogging, you aren't "keeping it real" because your father never spent an afternoon on the Internet? Bullshit.
"The cracker girls also have no endorsement from public officials, unlike Autumn in particular and others in general with her message."
No "public" endorsements that we are aware of. And do they need it? Does Al Sharpton's endorsement make Autumn more credible? Not to me.
"Race pride is the very root cause of all that Nadir and Autumn rail against the most; did not Columbus have race pride? And for that matter, did not the Egyptians have race pride over the Nubians that they so violently conquered? Bull Conners surely had race pride."
Columbus was an Italian mercenary working for the queen of Spain. He was trying to get paid. He was racist, but I think race pride had little to do with that.
The Egyptians were the descendents of the Nubians. They were fighting their cousins. Economics again. Not racism.
Bull Connors had race pride.
I also believe you both know that Autumn is preaching pride, but you are offended by her words, thinking that they somehow implicate you in some conspiracy of white supremacy. If you are not guilty, you shouldn't feel offended by a true historical account.
I realize that she's preaching pride, pride not in personal conduct and achievement, but in race, which I find reprehensible.
I also find reprehensible presuming to read the minds of others, especially when the mind-reader proclaims an inaccurate conclusion. Nadir, you know about what goes on in my mind only what I tell you, and I have told you repeatedlyl: I believe that there is no white conspiracy today, and the one that existed before does not implicate me. I do not have to be Arab to oppose Arab men in Saudi Arabia suppressing women. When muslim clerics issued assassination fatwas against Salmon Rushdie, it offended me no more or less than had they issued such decrees against a white man. I do not recognize any racial catorization or affiliation for myself; Notice that Six and I are more opposed to the cracker girls than to Autumn, and the cracker girls praised honkies and denounced other so-called races. The conflict in Ireland between Irish and British is far less of a concern for me (despite your catagorization of me with one of the parties there) than the intra-black conflict in Sudan because the Sudanese conflict is more desperate.
Please refrain from pronouncing on the motivations of me, Six, and other people. Just stick to the facts.
Race pride is not a necessary component of creating an successful individual life. Andrew and Monifa exhibit this as they and their ilk have successfully assimilated into "good" American society and, at least in conversations with you, do not identify themselves as "black" or "African-American".
I would prefer to have no reference to my skin color at all. It is completely an accident of birth. However, it has affected who I am because of the environment in which I grew up (see "culture"). That was an integrated environment in a subtly racist small, Southern town.
My best friends growing up were white. I identified more with them than I did many of the other black kids in the neighborhood. But that didn't stop those friends from telling "black" jokes around me. And I'm sure some of them would have been highly upset if I wanted to date their sisters.
My pride in my African heritage developed over time and acutally was a direct result of my spiritual journey. As I explored religion, I explored culture. Who I am is a result of my experiences, just like the color of Paul's daughters is a direct result of the women he associates with.
Alexis doesn't have to emphasize her Africanness (though she is becoming a beautiful African woman), but she certainly shouldn't be ashamed of it. This is what Autumn's poem is trying to combat. The shame of being black that was once pervasive in society, but is now only subversive.
Have you ever asked Whitney why she chose to go to Prairie View instead of UT-Austin?
Nadir: Culture is what you experiance. It has absolutely nothing inhernetly to do with parents. Biological parents are only one possible source of a person's experiances. One of the biggest sources of culture is peers. Telivision and the internet are other sources. Alexis's culture includes many factors that I have not provided her, thanks to that infernal television and wherever it is that she's listening to the aweful pop music. Where did you get the thought that I believed parents were a requirement of cultural transmission?
You made a choice to adopt some African culture before you had ever even experianced those cultural aspects, because you misunderstood the meaning of culture, and thought that African culture was already yours. Well, now it is, because you went out and got it. But you could have just as easily and logicallyl went out and adopted Indian, Italian, Finnish, or Chinese culture.
Also, though you selected your interest in foriegn culture based on your genetic lineage, you selected only your African lineage. Maybe you felt you already knew about Ireland, but I don't think that the typical American education includes much about Ireland.
By the way, I am not stating what I have devined to be your thought process, but rather summarizing what you have said, and adding to it facts and logic.
"Please refrain from pronouncing on the motivations of me, Six, and other people. Just stick to the facts."
Then you should do the same, as I have never stated that a white person couldn't understand racism. I have never said that I hated America. And there are countless other words you have put in my mouth that are too numerous for me to name. Practice what you preach.
Nadir: Al Sharpton was an official democratic presidential candidate who participated in all the primary debates. He regularly appears on tv news talk shows. He is a national figure. And he is just one public person who has embraced Autumn. School and city council officials have as well, as have TV personalities on major national networks. All these people rightly treat the cracker girls as pariahs.
"because you misunderstood the meaning of culture, and thought that African culture was already yours. "
"But you could have just as easily and logicallyl went out and adopted Indian, Italian, Finnish, or Chinese culture."
And after study I have adopted some aspects of indigenous American and Chinese culture. But HOW DARE YOU say what I understood or misunderstood because YOU FUCKING CAN'T READ MY MIND!!
"By the way, I am not stating what I have devined to be your thought process, but rather summarizing what you have said, and adding to it facts and logic."
Bullshit. You don't know shit about the facts and logic I used to divine my thought process. You don't know a damn thing about it.
I have adopted my lifestyle based on experience and careful study of other cultures. I have studied Irish culture, though I identify less with Irish culture specifically because of the experiences I have had as a person with brown skin.
"Al Sharpton was an official democratic presidential candidate who participated in all the primary debates. He regularly appears on tv news talk shows. He is a national figure. And he is just one public person who has embraced Autumn. School and city council officials have as well, as have TV personalities on major national networks. All these people rightly treat the cracker girls as pariahs."
Simply because they don't publicly endorse them doesn't mean there aren't people who believe and support what the girls are saying. The prevailing attitude in America is that these girls should be pariahs. That doesn't mean there isn't a large segment of the population that wouldn't buy their record if they heard it on the radio.
"But you could have just as easily and logicallyl went out and adopted Indian, Italian, Finnish, or Chinese culture."
In fact, I usually take a more Taoist approach to life. That is until some motherfucker starts acting ignant and I have to get GHETTO on his ass!!
You fucking arrogant prick.
Nadir: I never said that you hated America; I concluded that you hated America.
Nadir: Why do you think that your white friends cracked black jokes in front of you? You can only surmise, and so can I: Perhaps they are not racist, and considered you a full-fledged peer, and made no racial accounting when they cracked their jokes.
You also don't know if they would have objected to you dating their sister.
Nadir: The reason I sait that you thought African culture was already yours before you experianced it is because you have previously stated that you believe you are African based on your ancestors, and that culture is inheritted. I am an authority on culture only to the extent that I have looked up the word in the dictionary and read approximatley the same number of books as you on the subject.
Have you ever asked Whitney why she chose to go to Prairie View instead of UT-Austin?
Yes. I tried to get here to TRY to go there, though her grades and SAT scores are too low, I thought if she was enthusiastic that I might be able to get her in via family friends. This would perhaps been a bad idea since her educatin level is so low, I may have been setting her up for failure. In any case, she said that she wanted to be around black people, and did not want to be around white people. Culturally she is very black, and in a very provincial way.
The Egyptians were the descendents of the Nubians. They were fighting their cousins. Economics again. Not racism.
The nazis claimed that their cousins the Slavs belonged to a different race, and used this a pretext to enslave and exterminate them. Even the Jews that they targetted were not decendants of Moses, but rather fellow European cousins. In Liberia, the American freedmen claimed that they belonged to a different race than the indiginous people, whom they enslaved. These "racial" lines persisted at least through the 1960s. used racism to divid that country, with them masters and the rest slaves. In Sudan the black muslims there call themselves "Arabs" and claim to belong to a differnt race than those they call derisively "Africans", though you and I could not tell them apart. The Tsitsis and Hutus also claim to belong to different races.
The examples you just listed are examples of racism. The example of the Egyptians was not.
Simply because they don't publicly endorse them doesn't mean there aren't people who believe and support what the girls are saying.
Now you're supposing that the cracker girls have have secret support amongst white officials. Even if that were true, its revealing that such hypothetical support would have to be clandestine. I might in turn suppose that the democratic party is paying Autumn's parents mortgage.
Another supposition you make is that white kids would buy these girls records if they heard them. But that's just a supposition based on... what? And does this supposition include the crackers singing about non-racial things?
My fear about Autumn and her message isn't what I suppose, but rather my observation that its popular amoung respectable people, such as you, school and city officials, and popular media figures.
"In any case, she said that she wanted to be around black people, and did not want to be around white people. Culturally she is very black, and in a very provincial way."
Were you offended that Whitney didn't want to be around white people?
Her culture is based on on her experiences as is all culture. Alexis is more culturally white because she was raised by her white father. This doesn't mean she isn't black, though she may not identify herself as such. Others will call her black even though this may not be her choice or her culture.
Nadir: I don't know enough about Egypt and Nubia to know if the wars and conquest between them involved racism. Perhaps the similar wars between Yemen and Eithiopia did. Apparently you agree with me that this would depend on if those people considered themselves to belong to different races, and accordingly afforded to the other special rights or limitations. By the way, for a long time the english regarded Irishmen as belonging to a different race.
"Now you're supposing that the cracker girls have have secret support amongst white officials. Even if that were true, its revealing that such hypothetical support would have to be clandestine. I might in turn suppose that the democratic party is paying Autumn's parents mortgage.
Another supposition you make is that white kids would buy these girls records if they heard them. But that's just a supposition based on... what? And does this supposition include the crackers singing about non-racial things?"
I am making no suppostions. Though you choose only to believe what you see, I believe in the possibility of these things.
I know that these girls were hired to perform at festivals and have been featured on television shows. In fact, a visit to their website shows they were interviewed in GQ Magazine and on White Wire.
From PrussianBlue.net
The city of Bakersfield is in an uproar again and at the center of the storm are the courageous duo of Prussian Blue. The girls were scheduled to make an appearance at the Kern County Fair this week, but the appearance had to be canceled at the last moment.
After speaking to Bill Blair, chief executive of the fair, over the phone on Monday, April Gaede learned that the performance would be canceled due to “security concerns”. Blair conceded that neither he nor his staff could find anything objectionable in the material that the girls had auditioned and performed the previous year. In fact, the girls had been cleared by the Community Act staff and had played to a substantial audience. However, social pressure from a lead story by the Bakersfield Californian was too much for Blair to withstand, and he folded under anticipated but non-existent threats of “violence or other disruptions.”
The news of the cancellation shocked many of the girls’ school friends who planned to attend the show. One girl told Lynx that her mother had called a local radio talk show to express her support of Prussian Blue and their message. The girl was one of several friends to call the girls at home to express their disappointment at the news of the shows cancellation. Many school children had made plans to watch the girls perform.
Another local talk show host tried to whip his audience into a frenzy by repeatedly squealing the words, “neo-Nazi” in an attempt to smear the girls. For nearly thirty minutes he went on, trying in vain to manufacture indignation among his listeners. Callers to the show responded by changing the subject; choosing to discuss New Orleans “looting,” “dysgenic government welfare policies” and “illegal fireworks.” The host’s tirade ended in a near “dead air” segment at the end of the show.
Apparently, the whole controversy began with a single complaint from a student who had attended school with the girls the previous year. Several school friends had taken flyers announcing the performance so that kids who wanted to see one of Prussian Blue’s concerts at the fair could make arrangements to attend. A female student, who disagreed with the Lamb and Lynx politically, had her mother alert the public censors at The Californian, who in turn, alerted the fair officials, who then sacked the performance. Despite the fact that many of the kids from their junior high school wished to attend the show, the Californian story contained only the news of the little girl who disagreed with Lynx and Lamb. And, the local radio talk show hosts started their familiar drumbeat.
They also failed to mention, but we will do so here, that both Lynx and Lamb earned the distinguished Principal’s List award for their superior grades last year. Additionally, Lynx was nominated “7th grade Princess,” and Lamb won the school “History” award.
For their part, Lamb and Lynx were disappointed that they would not be able to perform, but were pleased with all the support they received from their friends.
I have heard callers on radio talk shows voice similar views. Hell, I've heard talk radio hosts express similar views. I know that the American Nazi Party is headquartered in Westland.
Whether you next door neighbor will admit to you that he is a member of the Michigan Militia or not doesn't mean he isn't a member. Perhaps it just means that he doesn't trust you enough to say one way or the other. Perhaps he understands the consequences based on the people he has seen visiting your house.
And maybe he hasn't written racist epithets on your garage, but that doesn't mean he didn't steal your daughter's bike.
Do I think you should be afraid of your neighbor? No. Do I think you should preemptively shoot your neighbor's dog for what he might be thinking? No.
But I do think that you should be aware of the possible existence of situations that may be outside the realm of "your reality" or beyond what your eyes may witness.
"I don't know enough about Egypt and Nubia to know if the wars and conquest between them involved racism. Perhaps the similar wars between Yemen and Eithiopia did. Apparently you agree with me that this would depend on if those people considered themselves to belong to different races, and accordingly afforded to the other special rights or limitations. By the way, for a long time the english regarded Irishmen as belonging to a different race."
I believe that it depends specifically on whether people expressly acted because someone was of a different "tribe" or "race". This is certainly the case in your beloved Israel where, despite your belief to the contrary, Palestinians are treated like second class citizens.
You argue that their freedom there is more than they would experience in other Islamic countries, but that is irrelevant if those freedoms are not the same as the other inhabitants of Israel.
In Israel, Jews are afforded more rights than those who do not consider themselves to be Jews. Palestinians have even fewer rights. This is undemocratic and racist, but you believe Israel is a better place for Palestinians to live. And this is the place that less than 100 years ago was THEIR LAND!
You guys would be pissed off if you read this Prussian Blue website. They claim their PayPal account was suspended because of censorship. Some of their music is probably illegal in Germany because several of the discs are listed specifically as "legal in Germany".
I do know that some neo-nazi rap groups in Germany (imagine that) have had music and videos banned because they expressed pro-nazi sentiments. One of the groups I read about (can't remember the name) stated that their sales increased as they included more pro-white language in their lyrics.
So why aren't you guys protesting that Prussian Blue was kicked off of a festival in Bakersfield? Don't they have the same right to offend people as the cartoonists in Denmark?
But then if you support Prussian Blue, are you supporting white supremacy?
Nadir: You are making some good points about the popularity of Prussian Blue and its endorsement by officials. This is very shocking, if true, though so far the only evidence is an article that seems to be written by a white racist group. I assume that the GQ and similar articles are either written by authors unaware of their views, or is written especially because of those views, from a perspective of shock. I certainly expect that officials in California would immediately object to and ban a group if they knew that it was espousing white supremacy; if this is not the case then the reality certainly contracts my impression of racism in the US. My suspicion is that they promote and present themselves sans the racism, and that the people who stage and observe them are unaware of their racism.
Nadir: I think you make a good point about how I should view the Prussian Blue's banning from public events. Since I object to ABC firing Bill Mahr for making comments that "offended" some viewers and for refusing to air Mohammad cartoons, should I therefore support Prussian Blue playing at fairs? I'll have to think about this.
On Isreal:
1. I reject the justification for Isreal's formation. On this matter, I agree with Iran's president. I believe that the formation of Isreal in Palistine is the greatest lasting mistake of the 20th century (Nadir's parent's sexual intercourse being another).
2. I believe that Judaism is racist, and especially Zionism. However, I believe that the racism of judaism and zionism is ultimately very minor, as they seek to dominate only a small area of the planet and to provide nearly all all rights to everybody else on that small parcel. (NOTE: I realize that some zionists believe that they should control a big region, but Isreal in general has very solidly rejected that view.)
3. I believe that Isreal's special designations for jews is anti-democratic and racist (racist because judaism is a racist religion, in my view).
4. I believe that if the Palistinians and surrounding islamic countries would accept isreal's unjustified conquest of palistine just as the Republic of Ireland and the irish of north Irelean have accepted Britain's very similar unjustified conquest of part of Ireland, palistinians in Isreal would be able to achieve full citizenship, and palistinians outside of Isreal would be able to establish prosperity and security.
5. I do think it matters very much that the abuses by isreal of muslims is much less severe than the abuses off muslims by other muslims. Palistinians in Isreal have more rights and prosperity than muslims in general in any muslim nation, and this is a very important point.
Being a racist organization is perfectly legal in the United States. Look at the organizations listed on Prussian Blue's links page. Look at the website of your neighbors, the American Nazi Party, which is where I found their address.
This is why it is legal for that party to march through a black neighborhood in Toledo exhibiting open hostility to the residents in front of their own homes. Perhaps it is only a perception, but I believe that racism has increased since 9/11. And not just anti-Arab hatred, but all forms of racism.
Here are the lyrics to the first verse and chorus of the Prussian Blue song "Aryan Man Awake"
"When the man who plows the fields is driven from his lands. When the carpenter must give away what he's built with his own hands. When a mother's only children belong to her no more. And black masked men with guns come bashing down the doors. Where freedom exists for only those with darker skin. Where lies and propaganda will never let you win. Where symbols of your heritage are held with such contempt, and benefits of country 'cept tax are you exempt .
Aryan man awake, How much more will you take, Turn that fear to hate, Aryan man awake."
Autum's poem is specifically exposing the history of the hatred that Prussian Blue preaches in their song.
Nadir: Six and I agree that Prussian Blue is much worse than Autumn. We know that some of their songs are overtly racist. We don't know if they are playing these songs at the fairs, and if the fair organizers know about these songs.
I think it should be legal for them to perform, but I think that the fair organizers should should *NOT* present them, or lampoons of Jesus, Mohammad, or Moses, or rails against the bad things that white people have done. Fairs never have any of these sorts of demonstrations, and shouldn't make an exception for anybody. People do not expect to have political ideas expressed at fairs; they want lame, tame fun. People who have political or bitingly, edgy satirical commentaries and lampoons to make, they don't expect to have a forum at a fair.
As for Bill Mahr advocating the nazis on his show? This remains a delema for me...
Nadir: Given my impression of race relations in the US, I hold great hope that these girls will change their minds in the next ten years or so, and renounce there current views, which are universally false at their core. I'm not even confident that one of them won't marry a non-cracker, perhaps even Autumn's brother.
Nadir: Was the Westland resident who informed you of our status as HQ for the nazis white? If so, how do you know he's not secrety a nazi who is ingratiating himself to you so as to pass information back to his comrades? You can't be too careful...
The person who told me about Westland being Nazi central is white and is not a Westland resident. He is actually a very non-radical Zen Buddhist with a wife who is considered a radical for her advocacy of multi-cultural education reforms.
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