
Pat Buch: Islamic Democracy?

Pat Buchannon is a great writer, and he makes great points against the neocon campaign of nation building.


Nadir said...

Wait a minute, Paul...

When your brother and I say it we're just ranting leftists, but when Pat Buch says it you're all in...

What's up with that?

Haven't I been saying that it should be up to the Iraqi people to oust Saddam? For the Afghans to get rid of the Taliban? Isn't that how most democracies are built? Isn't that what true democracy is about?

I'm glad you finally agree with us. Will you now denounce Bush's war?

Join us, Anakin Skywalker! You can overcome the dark side of the force!

Paul Hue said...

The reason I'm more succeptiable to Pat B than to you guys is that I can't count on Pat B to oppose every thing that every US president has ever done, or to view the US today and for the past 200 years as world's greatest source of evil. Because I agree with him on many of these issues, I listen raptly when he articulates some of your views.