
Videotape Spares Innocent Men from Hell of Rape Charge

If one of these party boys hadn't taped the group sex, he and his three buddies would be in jail, and would very likely have gotten convicted of rape, thanks to the politicization of sex crimes. Remember that poor Mike Tyson got convicted merely on the accusation of an accuser. Bill Clinton was one of the people who successfully pushed the damnable legislation that has led to this sorry state of affairs. If you doubt that there is a problem, try this experiment:

1. Have a woman call the police and claim that three days ago a particular guy stole $100 from her. Most likely, the cops won't even go ask the guy if he has $100, and if he got if from her. But in the unlikely case that they did go and interview him, if he said that she gave him $100, the cops would tell the woman that there is nothing that they can do.

2. The same woman now calls the police and claims that three days ago the same guy raped her. I guarantee you that the cops will go interview him, and if he admits that they had sex, they will arrest him, charge him with rape, and let the judge sort it out. That's what happened to Tyson; he probably should have lied and claimed that he didn't have sex. The feminists claim that "women don't lie about rape." That is very false.

Laws like those involved in the above scenario enabled Jennifer Flowers in suing Clinton for sexual assault to delve into Clinton's past, and probe his "character." That's how Monica Lewinski was forced to testify, and then Clinton about her testimony. For no other accusation could a litigant do such a thing, and prior to the new feminist laws, they could not.

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