
Dansh Anti-Blasphemy Laws?

"...courts will determine whether the newspaper that originally published the cartoons is guilty of blasphemy."

What? Holland has anti-blasphemy laws? If so, why isn't this getting massive publicity? We westerners really must examine ourselves as our eyes widen in horror at the sight of these muslims demanding vigilante and legal enforcement of their sacred views. American christian nuts impose non-violent vigilante retaliation against media that broadcast situations that the nuts consider to be "offensive." Tyranical leftists do the same. And European nations have laws against speach defined (as always, by some) as "offensive". People horrified and indignant about the nutty muslims have no moral authority at all unless they are prepared themselves to tolerate expressions of thought that offend and discomfit their own selves.

This means American leftists not demanding that ABC fire Dr Laura, due to her claims that homosexuality is an immoral and unnatural mental illness. It also means rightists not demanding that the University of Colorada fire that professor who called the 911 victims "little Eichmans" (or firing the commedian who said that the 911 terrorists were not cowards). Also Europeans must permit people to deny the holocaust, fly nazi flags, and make racist (to some!) statements. People unwilling to permit any of these expressions cannot logically demand tolleration for the Mohammad cartoons. Purging the supposedly and self-proclaimed free West of intolleration must be Job One.

1 comment:

Paul Hue said...

Nadir says that people like me are "hiding behind freedom of speach" in advocating blaspheming everybody's cherished beliefs. Here are some more questions that I have for Nadir (though he rarely ever answers them):

1. The people who urge "beheading" and "massacering" of us blasphemers, what are *they* hiding behind?

2. The people who perform these actions (which you have labled as, "to be expected"), what are *they* hiding behind?