
Who's Counting Bush's Mistakes?

Given how ambitious and wide-ranging the incompetence of this administration has been, it's high time we started keeping track of its many failures.


Paul Hue said...

I'm sure counting Bush's mistakes, and I voted for the guy both times:

1. Didn't get privatized SS passed (or press it as hard as he as selling the ports to UAE).
2. Didn't fight the first torture-free war.
3. Responded to 911 by creating two enormous bueurocracies.
4. Ran FEMA merely just as efficiently as his predecessors.
5. Didn't move Clerance Thomas over to Cheif Justice.
6. Didn't nominate Janice Rogers Brown.

Paul Hue said...

7. Didn't shrink the federal budget.
8. Didn't pass flat tax.