
Four killed in cartoon protests

European newspapers have chosen to start a religious war by antagonizing millions of people over some bullshit. Insulting an entire religion is not a defensible aspect of free speech. Perhaps free speech gives one the right to be hateful and racist, but that doesn't make it right, and as I warned, the consequences will be even more severe.

These cartoons have succeeded in galvanizing even moderate Muslims who were not active in protests against Westerners. The Western attitude that "we can do or say anything we want to anyone we want because we are superior" is one of the largest sources of death and destruction on the planet. This is the basis for Western imperialism, it was the basis for European race slavery, and it is the basis for the rest of the world's animosity against Europeans and those of European ancestry.



Paul Hue said...

Nadir, for the love of god, by "stop this shit!", do you mean for the murderers to stop killing people, or the cartoonists to stop freely expressing themselves? Should Martin Luther King has "stopped that shit!" before *he* got everybody killed? Why do you reject blood-thirsty white self-claimed christian tyrants, but not blood-thirsty non-white self-claimed muslim tryants?

Your disgraceful reasoning requires you to increase the intensity of your appeal that the killers demands' be met with the more killing that they perform. In other words, if these killers want you to more stongly insist that cartoonists surrender to their demand, they should kill more people. You are on their side, a side that seems to include the Bush administration. Shame on you both.

And by the way, those cartoonists and other brave journalists are in hiding. Will they be safer if we heed your appeal to surrender to the murders? Or with the murderers have even greater power, the power to keep people silent?

Paul Hue said...

"we can do or say anything we want to anyone we want because we are superior" is one of the largest sources of death and destruction on the planet.

Thanks for another for your straw men, Nadir. How courageously you denouce something that doesn't even exist! No advocate of freedom believes himself entitled to freedom because he is "superior". Please find me justification for believing such a best exists!

We advocates of freedom do believe, though, that freedom is a superior way of life than tyrany. And in places where we live in freedom, we believe that we cannot permit murderers to deny us this freedom. Doing so constitutes a de facto reduction of freedom.

Your abhorant logic should compel you to urge the anti-US forces in Iraq to lay down their arms and participate in the new government there, since continuing to resist the US leads to more deaths. Why do you urgently appeal to the cartoonists to concede to the demands of these killers, but yet you do not issue such demands to the al qaidists and baathists in Iraq in their war against the US military?

Paul Hue said...

European newspapers have chosen to start a religious war by antagonizing millions of people over some bullshit.

You would have been a great help as a black person during slavery days or Jim Crow, with this attitude. Imagine that Nat Turner or Martin Luther King antagonizing millions of people!

Paul Hue said...

Insulting an entire religion is not a defensible aspect of free speech.

What a courageous spokesperson the artisitc community has in you, Nadir! Who, exactly, gets to decide what constitutes an "insult to an entire religion"? How about your song, "Sanctified"? Or what about Johnny Cash's song, "Personal Jesus" or "Sunday Morning Coming Down"? What about the moving, "Cool Hand Luke," where Paul Newman sings, "Plastic Jesus"?

What about the Scorsese film, and the novel, "The Last Temptation of Chist"? How do you feel about the Stantic Versus? Should Salmon Rusdie have refrained from writing that book?

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: You "have chosen to start a religious war by antagonizing millions of people over some bullshit"! Your song, Sanctified, draws analogies between christian religious services, and fornication. I will kill anyone who plays it!

Paul Hue said...

the basis for European race slavery

What is the basis of African black-on-balck slvery, or Arab-on-black African slavery?

Or what about white-on-white slavery?

Riddle: If black people enslave other blacks, does anybody care?