
Justifiable Censorship

Here's an example of what I consider to be appropriate and ethical censorship: an employer disiplining an employee for expressing volitile views at the workplace. In this case, a UN soldier drawing swastikas on a group work log. Sadly, this ignorant, retarded fellow is banned by law from doing this on his own time on his own paper in some "free" European nations. As a bone to my unreformed leftist friends, I will reiterate my agreement with the statement referenced in the article that "zionism is racism." While I'm at it, I'll even remind my unreformed leftist friends that I consider the foundation of Isreal to utterly lack any hypothetical or practical justification. But then again, we can say the same for every nation in the region... indeed the world.

Instead of dismantling every existing nation to settle scores and rectify injustices from generations past, let's focus on bringing liberal, constitutional democracy to the other 98% of Arabia. When these other nations at least come close to Isreal in this regard, I am sure that Isreal will begin reforming its anti-democratic measures, most of which result only as reactions to external hostility. In the meantime, Isreal offers the region's only nation that provides rights and democracy to muslims.

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