
NYT Runs Elephant Dung Mary Picture

The New York Times won’t print the Danish cartoons of Mohammed, out of sensitivity to Muslim readers. But they don’t hesitate to reach back seven years and publish the picture of the Virgin Mary made out of elephant dung: A Startling New Lesson in the Power of Imagery.


Matty said...

That is a helluva good article. And makes the point. I can't help but see the irony in this violence however (burning down embassies, riots, etc.) and it is exactly the point the cartoonists were trying to make. Mo = Violence. Of course not as a rule, but violence is currently committed all over the world in his name, and that was the point.

Paul Hue said...

File this under "In 2006, the muslim nuts are thousands of times more nutty than the jesus nuts." The worst you can expect for a shit mary in the US is for the jesus freaks to stage a few non-violent protests and a boycott... limitted to the facility showing the piece.

To test how different are the muslim freaks, just imagine if the same facility displayed a shit mohammad.