
Anti-Flag Burning Law Singes Freedom

For a libertarian like me to vote Repo, I have to swallow some mud, just as you mamby-pamby leftists voting Demo must as well. One of the hardest swallows for me is watching the supposed Free Market advocates scrambling to construct a law that would require state officials to arrest me for destroying my own property should it bear an image matching that of the US flag. How is this different than such a law banning the likeness of Mohammad (or the desecration of such)? On what grounds would these Flag Protectors stand in opposing laws against disrespecting Mohammad?


Nadir said...

I agree. You right-wingnuts should be lambasting the Republican leadership for putting such stupid measures like flag desecration and gay marriage bans on the agenda when many more important issues are at stake.

In contrast, the short thrift given to seeking real solutions in Iraq are proof positive that most of this congressional session has been engineered for political gains in November. Aside from pushing draconian measures like the COPE Act, Republicans haven't done shit this term.

Paul Hue said...

I'm with you these two issues, Nadir, though seeing your dad carry on with his "cabana boy" does sometimes raise doubt about whatever heterosexual affair I'm engaged in.