
Israel Attacks Democracy Again!

Paul: How can you approve of Israel's arrest of democratically elected leaders in a Palestinian authority that needs leadership during a crisis situation?

You should be outraged by Israel's attack on the principles of democracy. Most leaders of other nations are granted diplomatic immunity especially when they are guilty of no crimes.

And this AFTER Hamas said it would implicitly recognize Israel! They were willing to negotiate!

Actions like this underscore the Palestinian people's right to defend themselves and their nation by any means necessary.


Paul Hue said...

Nadir: If you went and killed a busload of nuns and orphans, then prior to getting arrested you managed to get yourself elected to the US Congress, do you think that this should exclude you from justice?

What if the "democratically elected" representatives of Alaska were KKK members who had lynched an entire orphanage of black children?

Nadir said...

"If you went and killed a busload of nuns and orphans, then prior to getting arrested you managed to get yourself elected to the US Congress, do you think that this should exclude you from justice?"

Why not? Bush has appointed convicted felons to powerful posts in his administration. Certainly you have voiced no disapproval to the inclusion of traitors like John Negroponte and Eliot Abrams in your government.

You're being hypocritical in your support of Israel's non-democratic actions when you hold that colonial nation up as a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. Their destruction of Palestinian infrastructure, the murder of innocent Palestinian civilians and the arrest of democratically elected leaders demontrate Israel's commitment to terror and lawlessness.

Why are you 21st century conservatives opposed to the democratic ideals voiced by America's founding fathers and outlined in the Declaration of Human Rights?

You support lawlessness in Israel. You support lawlessness in the US. Obviously you have become addicted by the opiate of fascism when it is used against those whom you perceive to be enemies of your elitist, Eurocentric way of life.

Your slaveholding hero, Thomas Jefferson, is turning in his grave.