
Opposing Viewpoints On The "Times Two" Blowing Of The SWIFT Program

Christopher Hitchens seems to agree with Paul's assessment of the NYT & LAT blowing the cover on the SWIFT program. Mark Steyn does not and neither do I.

1 comment:

Nadir said...

You right-wingnuts trot out 911 like it some trophy. It was a specatcular display of terrorism - the epitome of terror. So now, y'all are afraid and mistrustful of even yourselves! But you don't believe the truth should be revealed about the event. You are willing to trust your government on every little thing.

But you didn't trust Clinton. Why is Bush more trustworthy than Slick Willie was?

I think the right-wing arguments have become simple-minded and lack depth and analysis.

And why is Bush given a free pass because he is a "911 president"? Fuck that shit. He should be held to the same scrutiny that Clinton was held to because presidents have the same ability to abuse power.

If Clinton abused power by getting dome in the Oral Office, then Bush should be held to the exact letter of the law.