
Duke Rape Sports Illustrated Expose

Nadir, consider what black Duke law prof James Coleman says, after officially investigating the situation as head of a faculty committee:

"You've got a prosecutor playing to race. It's disgusting. If he's willing to [make race an issue] to go after what he thinks are three white kids with influence, what will he do going against some poor black kid in a case where people are saying, 'You've got to convict somebody?' To me, a prosecutor who's willing to cut corners in any case is a prosecutor who's subverting justice."

And this: "I don't understand how he can prosecute this case," says one Durham lawyer who supported Nifong's reelection. "It's a travesty."

Don't miss the testimony of the team's only black laccrosse player, either. And then there's the director of the school's "women's center", who says that the fraternaties were always a bigger problem than the laccrosse team. (Surely even the black fraternities!)


Nadir said...

I still have no comment on this case that is being tried on the Internet and in the media instead of in the courtroom where it belongs.

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: A very strange silence, considering all the loud conclusions you issue from innumerable legal matters, including just today your posted declaration that they NYT staff members violated no laws in publishing the intenernational wire survailance, and that the Bushies violated the law in survailing those transactions. Did you have an opinion on the Rodney King situation prior to the jury virdict? How about after?

What an odd time to declare that your position on such matters is to let DAs make their choices about whom to prosecute -- and not prosecute -- and you reserve a hole in your head with which to stuff the virdict as your opinion.

What kind of a democracy would we have if your opinion prevailed? Surely the Scottsboro boys would have languished n prison even longer than they did when *their* false rape accuser in cahoots with a southern DA got them convicted of a crime that they didn't commit.