
Top "Minuteman" Dead

John Murtha must be terribly disappointed.


Paul Hue said...

When these brutes chop off a woman's head or target a bomb at a public, civilian area, they are following their leaders policies and subject to high praise. When US troops kill some civilians, they are violating their orders, shaming themselves, vexing their leaders, and acting on sudden rage.

Paul Hue said...


"If it's true al-Zarqawi was killed, that will be a big happiness for all the Iraqis," said Thamir Abdulhussein, a college student in Baghdad. "He was behind all the killings of Sunni and Shiites. Iraqis should now move toward reconciliation. They should stop the violence."

No! Zarqawi was a "Freedom Fighter", right, Nadir? Long live Zarqawi! No "reconciliation"! Death to the evil US!

What could this idiot student mean by "reconciliation", anyway? All Iraqis coming together to freely elect representatives to write a constitution that all Iraqis would ratify, then govern via elected representatives? Or one group of gangsters rule everybody else so violently that nobody dares object? As supposedly "evil" as some claim the US troops are, nobody seems scared to protest them.

Nadir said...

There are doubts among Iraqis that Zarqawi ever existed. Others say he died long ago. Still others believe he is still alive and that tales of his demise are exagerated.

The only thing that is certain is that this announcement of his death is meaningless. Civil War, terrorism, massacres by and reprisals against American troops will continue unabated.

So who cares that Zarqawi was killed? Only those who believe all this death and destruction is necessary for the maintenance of US power and hegemony throughout the globe.

Gloat, warmongers. This is a hollow victory indeed.

Paul Hue said...

those who believe all this death and destruction is necessary for the maintenance of US power and hegemony throughout the globe.

Only liberals believe this!

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: Do you ever read the "neocon" or "supply-side" literature? None of it advocates what you and Tom claim that they advocate. They do not advocate "US hegomony" or keeping blacks or anybody else wallowing in low income. They uniformly write about promoting freedoms around the world, and the elevation of living standards for as many people as possible.

Paul Hue said...

...yet constantly Nadir and Tom shoot-down this or that attempt to "maintain US hegomony", to "install US puppet govts", to "keep blacks poor", etc. Do you guys imagine that there is a secret conspiracy that violates everything that all these people say and write?

Nadir said...

The fact that liberal economics purports to benefit the poor as well as the rich has been refuted continuously for the decades that it has been the dominant economic model of Western governments. Poor people continue to get poorer and the rich continue to get richer.

My opinion? THEY ARE LYING!!!!