
Celebrity Justice - Mel Gibson DWI

Rule: If you're going to drink, don't drive... unless you're a celebrity, or an off-duty cop. Here it appears that justice somehow is taking hold. I think drunk driving laws are generally too severe, ensnarling many safe-driving people behaving within normal civil bounds, into a very expensive hell. I also think that many cops intelligently impose these laws, letting many safe-driving people off the hook. But even I believe in applying these laws to people who are driving dangerously. Recently we have seen that one of the Kennedys got off the hook from star-struck cops responding to a dangerously driving celebrity. It appears that in this case with Gibson that if he had behaved civily to the cop he might have also gotten off the hook.

Anybody knows cops personally know that they on average they are more likely to drive drunk, and much less likely to get in trouble when pulled over drunk.

Again, I'm left shaking my head: The best I can say about our police is that in most other countries they are much, much worse.


Unknown said...

I am extremely disappointed with Gibson. I have enjoyed many of his movies over the years (I never saw Passion of the Christ), but after learning what his real feeling are (heavy alcohol consumption can have a truth serum effect) I have lost a great deal of respect for hikm, if not all respect.

What a shame. He's an extremely talented person, but he's got some serious issues.

Paul Hue said...

I loved Braveheart, and was looking forward to the new film about Islam:

The Passion of Mohammad's Pre-Teen Bride.

Paul Hue said...

PS: The new Mohammad film is supposed to be even more gorey than the Passion Christ film, but not as gorey as the upcoming pre-quel: The Circumcission of the Christ.