
Info on deaths in Lebanese town Qana

The moment Nadir read a report that a building struck by Isreal collapsed and killed a bunch of civillians, he knew with 100% certainty that the Isrealis had targetted civillians. Could emerging FACTS demonstrate a different reality? Could Isreal's army actually operate in the interest of Isreal, by attempting to minimize civillian casualties, in accordance with its official policies? Every military analysis I encounter stipulates that Isreal's position weakens by each civillian its military kills, whereas in contrast that Hezbollah and Hamas advance by succeeding in their stated goal of killing Isreali troops and civillians. Yet Nadir claims that Isreali troops target civillians, in violation of their own official intentions.


Paul Hue said...

What's the downside for all residents of Gaza and Lebanon simply laying down arms and focusing on building the land of their current residency?

Unknown said...

"What's the downside for all residents of Gaza and Lebanon simply laying down arms and focusing on building the land of their current residency?"

Answer: Having to endure the humiliation of admitting they've been wrong all along. That membership in a death cult and worshipping death and martyrdom is no way to live.

So don't hold your breath. This epiphany won't be occuring anytime soon.

Paul Hue said...

What a shame. I find it analagous to Jim Crowers in the US south, who preferred a bad economy for everybody to the economic boom that racial equality would bring; same for the segregationists in northern cities, and the slavers before them. Backwards, ignorant living, devoted to adherance to ancient superstition, settling of old grievences, and the blaming of outside forces for the consequences of these very attitudes.

I don't know what the answer is: accept daily attacks from the Gaza and Lebanon for another 20 years and hope for an elevation of mentality, vs stomping in and attacking directly.

Paul Hue said...

I assume that Nadir would have accepted civillian causalties in the name of liberating Mississippi in 1960. Many of those racist white folks were as poor and ignorant as these muslims, and had their own un-settled grievences festering.

Paul Hue said...


More suggestions that this is a phoney situation.

Paul Hue said...


Death toll reduced now by about 50%.

Nadir said...

The Red Cross reported, and Israel confirmed that Hezbollah DID NOT fire any weapons from this building.

Just because analysts confirm that killing civilians weakens the Israeli position and strengthens Hezbollah (and I agree) doesn't mean Israel isn't targeting civilians. It seems to me their tactic is to bring the wrath of the Lebanese people against Hezbollah, but that is backfiring.

Using a military tactic that is wrongheaded isn't a vocation that belongs solely to Israel either. The US invasion and occupation of Iraq was soundly condemned by civilian and militay analysts alike, with unprecidented worldwide protests BEFORE THE WAR EVEN STARTED, but that didn't stop the US from invading, and it hasn't stopped the US from failing in that mission. That war cannot be won, and anti-US sentiment is growing while the Iraqi insurgency is growing stronger.

Do you have a point?