
Jews Against Zionism & Isreal

Very interesting: Some Jews totally reject Zionism and Isreal. I have heard that the PLO had some Jews...


Unknown said...

The self-loathing Jew is not some new phenomenon, Paul. No more of a phenomenon than are the self-loathing Americans we blog with.

I have several jewish friends who despise Israel and their own "jewish-ness". They have bought, hook, line and sinker, the deranged notion that Israel and the Zionists are the root of all evil in the Arab world.

Unknown said...

Two sentences that completely sum up the Israeli/Hamas-Hizbollah conflict:

If all weapons were taken away from Hamas and Hizbollah, the fighting and killing would stop almost instantly. On the other hand, if all weapons were taken away from Israel, Israel would soon be destroyed and would cease to exist.

There you go. It's as simple as that.

Paul Hue said...

Six: I don't think that these critics are "self-hating"; to the contrary, I think they have some excellent points against the foundation of Isreal. As you know, I also object to Isreal's foundation. But then again, what existing nation didn't manifest via actions that we today find objectionable?

Yet, as I have also voiced consistently, starting in contemporary times, Palilstinians have all the opportunities neccessary to build thriving, successful lives where ever they are, inside or outside of Isreal. Unfortunately, far too many outside of Isreal have devoted themselves not to self-improvement, but rather to destroying Isreal, as the requisite first step to their own life's fulfillment.

I completely agree with you: if Hezbollah and Hamas disarmed themselves, all violence would cease, and they could move on to gain for themselves education, public infrastructure, wealth, security, and prosperity. They would even be able to convince Isreal to modify many of its jew-centric laws... if not all of them. If instead Isreal disarmed itself, ignorant lunkheads from all sides would invade, destroy, and kill; Isreal would cease to exist. And with the mentality of these invaders, I am certain that they would create a new state of retardation matching the worse of all the other current Arabic states.

This really is very similar to Northern Ireleand, where Nadir's cathoic cousins for decades chose poverty and destruction, when the govt that they fought already provided freedom and democracy. Now that Nadir's cousins have accepted the wicked British conquest, they are thriving. Why? Because Britain is a free democracy.