
On The Road to Fascism

In his new book, "Conservatives Without Conscience," John Dean, the White House lawyer who famously helped blow the whistle on the Watergate scandal, says the country has returned to an "imperial presidency" that is putting the United States and the world at risk.

"Are we on the road to fascism?" he writes. "Clearly, we are not on that road yet. But it would not take much more misguided authoritarian leadership, or thoughtless following of such leaders, to find ourselves there."

I disagree. The government's illegal espionage aimed at American citizens, rampant electoral fraud and voter intimidation, wars of aggression in the Middle East, and covert actions to overthrow democratically elected governments in Haiti and Venezuela, indicate that we have turned the corner of the onramp, and are sailing down the freeway of fascism at breakneck speed.

We're cruising through Authoritarian Alley and are just a few clicks away from Totalitarian Township.


Paul Hue said...

I agree with John Dean about 73%. I think that Nadir's conclusions is unjustifiable, especially charges of "voter intimidation."

Nadir said...

Obviously you have ignored the reports about Ohio's election in 2004.

Unknown said...

And you continue to ignore, or at the very least never acknowledge the stolen guberntorial election in Washington state in 2004. But since it was "facist" republican that was the victim I'm sure you give a flying f*ck.

Paul Hue said...

I have read articles about the Ohio election in 2004, and do not agree that anybody rigged any election boxes to just barely get Bush over the top. I conclude that the repos and demos both conduct some legal fraud, and some illegal fraud. On the demo side that includes paying bums to vote and encouraging illegal aliens to vote and blocking reforms that would prevent this. Both sides scrutinize voting rolls from precincts that favor the other guy, which might actually be helpful in reducing fraud.

I think that even people like you believe like me voting in the US is 99% clean, or else you wouldn't keep voting, or declaring that your candidate lost due to not better articulating, or more closely adopting, your issues. Kerry couldn't have lost both due to voter fraud and not taking a clear enough anti-war position, no?

Is this Bush fraud new? How did Clinton win both times?

Paul Hue said...

I have called before for people like you and me to join forces in producing a fraud-proof election system, which surely is possible it would include:

1. Photo ID card requirement, and record at polling station that this person voted.
2. Quadrouple printouts, linked by a unique number, one for:
- Voter to take home.
- Voter to place in box monitored and counted by democrat rep
- Voter to place in box monitored and counted by repo rep.
- Voter to place in box monitored and counted as backup by election official, in case of challange or initial electronic count that comes within 1%.
3. Law that prevents any enforcement of legal papers at polling stations (no risk that when you go vote you will get hit served with traffic fines or some arrest warrent for failing to appear on a speeding ticket).