
Why Conservatives Can't Govern

Search hard enough and you might find a pundit who believes what George W. Bush believes, which is that history will redeem his administration. [Two of them are contributors here...]

But from just about everyone else, on the right as vehemently as on the left, the verdict has been rolling in: This administration, if not the worst in American history, will soon find itself in the final four. Even those who appeal to history's ultimate judgment halfheartedly acknowledge as much. One seeks tomorrow's vindication only in the context of today's dismal performance.

Through all these laments there pulsates a sense of desperation: A conservative president and an even more conservative Congress must be repudiated to enable genuine conservatism to survive. Sure, the Bush administration has failed, all these voices proclaim. But that is because Bush and his Republican allies in Congress borrowed big government and foreign-policy idealism from the left. The ideas of Woodrow Wilson and John Maynard Keynes, from their point of view, have always been flawed. George W. Bush and Tom DeLay just prove it one more time.

Contemporary conservatism is a walking contradiction. Unable to shrink government but unwilling to improve it, conservatives attempt to split the difference, expanding government for political gain, but always in ways that validate their disregard for the very thing they are expanding. The end result is not just bigger government, but more incompetent government.


Unknown said...

Ya know, I can't say I disagree with much of this, which is why I'M NOT A REPUBLICAN even though you frequently accuse me of being one.

On another note, you really oughta try expanding your reading beyond Alternet.org, Commondreams.org, Truthout.org, etc. You might actually be exposed to a different point of view occasionally. Besides of course when blogging here.

Just a thought.

Nadir said...

You're funny. You can read The Weekly Standard, Townhall.com and wackos like David Horowitz all day, but think that my reading liberal sites is narrow-minded?

Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury.

Besides I do read conservative rags like The BBC and the Washington Post and the New York Times and Yahoo News and Business Week.

Meanwhile, you AGREE with my anti-conservative post from Alternet, but in the same breath tell me I shouldn't read it? Do you know how crazy that sounds? It's as contradictory as your conservative ideology according to this article...

And you admit you can't disagree with that...

Unknown said...

Conservative rags like The BBC and the Washington Post and the New York Times and Yahoo News(Don't know much about Business Week)? You've got to be kidding me?!?

Now THAT'S funny!

Unknown said...

Where did the words "you shouldn't read those websites" appear in my post? I think you need to have your eyes checked.

Nadir said...

Ok. You said I should read beyond them, which I do. I stand corrected.

Yes, the views of those rags are more conservative than my own views. All of those rags are corporate engines that promote a maintanence of the status quo and block true revolutionary progress.


Paul Hue said...

I agree with many of the points that Nadir makes against the Bush white house and current crop of Reps running both legislative houses. However, I believe that it is their adoption of Big Govt that has led to Big Curruption and Big Incompetence. They violate conservative principles in embracing these concepts.

Nadir, should POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!, even include:
- The right of you and I to enter into a contract together to exchange my labor (as a house painter or a physician) for your cash, at any rate to which we agree?
- How about the right of you and Akanke to spend govt education fund not only at any university or college in the US (private or govt, secular or religious), but also K-12 for y'all's children?
- The right of you and Akanke to decide to put y'all's social security withholding into a private investment fund?
- The right of every single Mexican and Candadian to cross US borders at any time of their choosing, attend US govt K-12 schools, go to hospitals with no money and recieve care paid for by govt funds, and live in the US for as long as they want?
- The right of you as a student or professor at a govt university to make a comment in class that I consider "racist"?; or the right of me to make such a comment that you consider so?

Just wondering...