
Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism

Who you callin' a Nazi?!


Paul Hue said...

Very cute chick. Yikes!

The Nazis has a lot of support in Arabia during the '30s. I think that Husseien's dad and uncles were Nazis, and that the Baath party materialized as a branch of Naziism. But during Hussein's young adulthood, after Hitler's death, Hussein came to admire Hitler's foe Stalin, and Baathism morphed in that direction. It's confusing, since Baathism also contains some Islamism, and of course Stalin detested religion of all sorts. Also, the Nazis advocated a "master race" which excluded Arabs... derived on some perhaps mythical ancient people the "Aryans", which the Indian Brahman caste claims as their ancestors (the swastika exists even today as a favorite and popular Hindu symbol, and Indians speak fondly of "Aryans").

Not sure how it all works out. I'm ashamed that my govt ever embraced these Baathis goons, and glad that my govt now opposes them.

Nadir said...

Interesting history lesson, Slinger. Thanks for that!

But, don't get it twisted.

Hitler was a racist, but ignored that racism when it benefited him politically. Remember one of his primary allies was Japan. They would certainly fall outside Hitler's concept of a "master race" as Paul observed. Hitler alligning himself with Arabs would fall under this category, and under the philosophy that "my enemy's enemy is my friend".

The swastika is an ancient symbol derived from sanskrit, and the "Aryan race" actually originated in Persia or Iran. Remember Iran, Iraq, Palestine are the cradle of Indo-European civilization. Arabs and Europeans are cousins sharing common origins and common cultures. This is why Judaism, Christianity, and Islam can comfortably share so many beliefs.

It is speculated that much of Indian culture is derived from synchretizations of the African and Indo-European peoples who first populated those environs. This is why sanskrit is the language of Buddhism (an offshoot of Hinduism).

But regardless, when I compare Bush and Israel to Hitler, I am not talking about Hitler's hatred of the Jews. That's nonsense. This wasn't even the scariest aspect of Hitler's agenda, though some would like us to believe it is.

No. I compare the neocons and Zionists to Nazis because they are imperialists who follow a political and economic ideology that is very closely related to fascism. In fact, I would say it is an updated version of fascism.

We've had this discussion before, and if you compare the tenets of fascism with the practices of the neocons and the Bush administration, they align almost perfectly. Fascism has become a derogatory term, but it is just a political ideology - one that the seed of Prescott Bush (a known Hitler supporter) have been propagating.

So imperialism and fascism equal Hitler. Hitler used the preemptive war argument for his imperialist excursions just like Bush. The Israelis use similar totalitarian tactics in their dealings with Palestinians and the Lebanese.

And they believe they are a "master race"...

So again, Slinger, what would you like me to call them?