
Who is Going to Stand Against Israel's Atrocities?

An Israeli air raid has killed at least 13 Lebanese civilians who were fleeing southern border areas.

Women and children were among those killed when the convoy was hit.


Paul Hue said...

Who is going to stand against Hezbollah? They have unleashed the dogs of war, and there's just no way to guarantee against civillian casualties.

Paul Hue said...

I will give you this, Nadir: I consider the establishment of Isreal to be the greatest surviving mistake of the 20th century. Every time I consider the problems there, no matter how much I support Isreal -- and I do very much -- I never lose touch with my lingering conclusion that nobody should have ever attempted to create the Isreali state in Palistine. At the end of WWII there was a perfect opportunity to establish such a nation somewhere in Germany.

But I also think that the non-Jewish Arabs could create a wonderful world for themselves while accepting Isreal's existance. Instead, too many of them have devoted their effforts to destruction and righting an aging wrong... a wrong that doesn't have to be corrected in order for those wronged people to have productive, safe lives.

Paul Hue said...


Here's a good overview of the current situation. The non-Jewish Arabs have never even attempted to build a sensible, secure, free civilization in the presense of Isreal. Can they? Or will they continue their policy of refusing to live their own lives until they correct the injustice of Isreal's establishment?

Imagine if the countries surrounding Isreal were to create nations with even more freedom and democracy than Isreal. Then non-Jewish Arabs would be in a great position to aggitate for Isreali reformation. Meanwhile, the million or so muslim Arabs in Isreal enjoy the most prosperity and freedoms of every sort (including religious) of any muslims in Arabia. No wonder when the Irealis recently pulled-out of Gaza, all the resident muslim isrealis moved out with them, into Isreal's new borders.

Paul Hue said...


An overview of Lebanon-Isreali relations. My read: Isreal is dominated by people focusing on improving themselves, their children, and their surroundings; such people in Lebanon are overwhelmed by those who would rather cause destruction in the name of settling old scores.