
Palistinian's Elected Govt Attacks Isreal

Palistinians attempting to learn algebra, expand businesses, and upgrade their houses must be very excited and pleased that the brave Hamas soldiers (from Gaza; Hezbollah soldiers from Lebenon) are attacking Isreal. No progress until all past wrongs are rectified! Universal justice for all! Power to the people! If only all the jews would just kill themselves, these Palistinians would obviously create a free, florishing, prosperous civilization.

Concurrently, Isrealis must relish the pay0ff of their most recent land consession. For their next act, Isrealis should TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!


Paul Hue said...


Oh, my: UN violations by Hezbollah, and even used by Hezbollah of UN resolutions as pretexts for attacks (pre-emptive?) against Isreal. I await lavish consternation from Nadir.

Nadir said...

Hezbollah is not Hamas, though they may be allies. The Zionist Nazis in control of the Israeli government have been looking for an excuse to continue their war against Lebanon where they have frequently fired missiles and led smaller scale attacks since withdrawing forces 20 years ago.

The apocalypse is upon us.

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: Why are you informing me of a distinction between Hamas and Heezbollah? They both kidnapped Islreali troops. If only the Nazis were no more than Isrealis, staking out a tiny parcel of land, erecting the continent's closest approximation to a democracy, freedom of speach, practicing only temporary conquests -- as retalliation for, and buffers against, invasions. Oh, yeah, and no extermination mills. Those are some nazis they got there in Isreal.

If you're looking for nazi comparassons, you would do better to examine various islamic groups devoted to creating a new worldwide islamic empire: execution of heretics, elimination of free thought, no democracy, etc.

Paul Hue said...

Lebenon was starting to pull tourists and even establish a democracy. But some peole there obviously seek something besides peace and prosperity. More important for them is a combination of righting old wrongs and spreading religious totalitarianism.

Nadir, what is is it that you perceive Isreali's governers as gaining from a war with Lebanon? Why is it that they have periodically fired missles there and launching small attacks for 20 years? Why did they invade en mass prior to that?