
How neutral is the United Nations?

How neutral is the United Nations in the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict?
A picture is worth a thousand words.

This picture is featured on page 155 of Jed Babbin's 2004 book, Inside the Assylum. This a photo taken around January, 2004, at a facility on the Lebanese-Israeli border, not too far from near a town called Metullah.


The United Nations flag is flying a couple of feet away from the Hezbollah flag. Now I do not believe Israel intentionally targeted U.N. earlier today. But if the U.N. has personnel sharing facilities with Hezbollah, how can Israel possibly be blamed? Precision weapons can do a lot, but they can't only blow up the Hezbollah side of the building.

I'm also told this isn't the only place where the two flags fly side by side. How can anyone expect the U.N. to broker or keep the peace? How can anyone believe the U.N. has not already taken sides once you see a picture like this? Kofi Annan can give us his righteous anger about the errant attack this morning all he wants, but maybe if his people weren't so closely associated with terrorists, they wouldn't get hurt.



Paul Hue said...

Remember how "neutral" the UN was with the Iraqi "oil for food" program?

Nadir said...

The UN is supposed to represent ALL PEOPLE of the world. Not just US allies.

The United Nations is not a puppet organization of the US though many would like it to be.

However, the UN has tolerated the US's and Israel's continued violations of international law. These things unfortunately lend credence to the arguments that the UN is irrelevant.

But it is still a world body, and in attacking it with US supplied weapons, the US and Israelis have again shown their disregard for international law and their disrespect for everyone else on the planet.

Nadir said...

"Remember how "neutral" the UN was with the Iraqi "oil for food" program?"

The corruption of a few individuals who were involved in one of the UN's hundreds of programs does not mean the UN isn't neutral.

The UN, however, should not be neutral. It should stand on the side of human rights. By attacking Lebanon in such a manner, the Israelis are violating human rights.

When are you guys going to stand on the side of human rights? Only when it meets your political goals?