Detainee Bill 'Legalizes Tyranny', Codifies Torture and Grants Bush Retroactive Immunity for War Crimes
"Whatever else this is, it is not a constitutional democracy. It is a thinly-veiled military dictatorship, subject to only one control: the will of the Great Decider. And the war that justifies this astonishing attack on American liberty is permanent without end."
Following Sullivan's comments: A Syrian-Canadian is arrested in Canada, turned over to Syria by the US and tortured. The same thing could happen to you or me.
The Bush Administration is a fascist regime that must be stopped. Period.
I'll see you all in Guantanamo.
White Supremacist Editor at The Washington Times
The second most powerful editor at The Washington Times is a white supremacist racist who says blacks are "born genetically 15 to 20 IQ points lower than a white person" and that abortion is necessary "to keep the black and minority population down in this country." His wife, Marian, confirmed this, on the record, in an interview with reporter Max Blumenthal for the Oct. 9 issue of The Nation magazine.
Francis B. Coombs Jr., the managing editor of The Washington Times, a major media ally of the Bush administration, is described by multiple newsroom sources in Blumenthal's piece as an unreconstructed "racial nationalist" and a hater of blacks and Jews.
At least his wife has the guts to admit that she is racist and he agrees with her. It's better to be open about it instead of hiding. Of course, when you're in hiding, you can do more damage...
Hugo Chavez: Democrat or Dictator?
I find no basis for US involvement in unsuccessful anti-Chavez coup, except as a helpful claim for Chavez to assist in rallying voters to him despite the problems caused by his poor/leftist economic choices. Castro has used this ploy for a few decades, though at least in Castro's case the claims began as truth (and Castro needs to impress no voters!). But neither do I find a basis for democrats to have supported this recent coup. It appears that Venezuala's anti-Chavez critics have reliable democratic mechanisms with which to address their displeasure for Chavez's choices, including his anti-democratic measures on the nation's private news media.
Chavez admires Simon Bolivar... a rich honkey Spaniard who merely won independance for South America from Spain, but not liberty for the people there. We can think of Bolivar as a mixture of George Washington (battlefield commander of war for independance from European colonial power) and Thomas Jefferson (archetect of post-revolution nation), except here Bolivar designed an independant nation under a dictatorship, his own own dictatorship. The nation he founded broke apart into today's South American nations, all as dictatorships. Why would anybody admire Bolivar?
Here's a bio of Chavez. I didn't realize that he's a career military officer who led his own failed coup. That got him two years in prison (just two years?).
Economist: Bush Iraq War a Mistake
My buddy in Iraq visits me this weekend in Detroit, a stop over on his way back to our hometown of Austin, Tx (specifically, the negro badlands known there as "the Eastside"). He supports Bush's goals, but concludes that too many people in Iraq are violently retarded, and that the downfall of Hussein merely opened the door for various other brutal, mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers. He sees only one possible mechanism of victory there: total war, which Nadir and the lefties claim Bush is already waging. In my friend's analysis, US troops are causing enough destruction to upset people and disturb various tyranical beehives, but not enough to wear-down the tyrants. He suggests that the US leave and let these people kill each other until they get tired of it.
He says the US made two enormous blunders: (1) Abu Graib. (2) A time or two they had neighborhoods full of tyrant madmen surrounded by war-lusting marines. In each case the marines could have eliminated those KKK-like bastards, and each time political considerations saved the bastards.
I supported Bush's war, though never 100%. My support is at pretty low point now...
US Students Getting Expert Help... From India
This opens all sorts of possibilities for home schooling. At what point does a family even with parents who work all day decide to tell their teenagers to skip school and perform work assigned to them, monitored, and assisted by rigorously educated Indians 10,000 miles away? If at least one parent has a work computer with internet access, now the parent can monitor the student's academic day. Now we have a mechanism for parents to get their kids to study seriously for 6 hours each day, with no need for home work, and full monitoring by parents, parents who (unlike government school parents) know every day what their kid got assigned and how they performed; no more waiting for those nearly useless 6-week report cards, or those completely useless daily "assignment books" in which kids every day inaccurately record what their teachers have assigned as homework. No more worrying about your kid getting hold of that attrocious smattering of food products distributed in the cafeterias, and in their chums' lunch pails. No more worrying about all the wasted school time each day devoted to non-academic assemblies, field trips, and rowdy behavior by kids that the school can't bannish.
And no more begging teachers and administrators to entertain suggestions that they didn't solicit and will not respect (How about daily we postings and emails of attendance, grades, and homework? How about wholesome cafeteria food? Sir, those are impossible suggestions. If you had an Education degree, you'd understand.) Can my kid learn Spanish one-on-one for an hour each day? What about the trumpet? Now all we parents have to do is rush home each day early enough to drive our kids over to the public school to participate in the only things that they do excellently: sports and band programs.
As we learned last week, Detroit public schools spend every year for each student nearly $12,000, for what everybody considers to be a very poor average education experiance. The subburbs are better usually only because mediocre beats the "inner city" school performances. All too often school social experiance includes exposure to dangerous peer influences, and even interactions. Can a kid working at home with Indians over a video conferencing computer obtain a more productive academic day than going to many government USA schools? It would not surprise me.
The free market to the rescue.
Rethinking Birthright Citizenship
Other countries have adopted Birthright Citizenship... countries that seek to increase immigration. Do American citizens collectively seek to increase immigration?
I fully support immigration by Latin Americans, Africans, and Asians. I believe that those populations represent the future of America... a bright future for America. But I also believe in orderly and sensible processes. I believe that not enough native born Americans are working hard enough and making smart enough choices to best ensure our future, and that these immigrants are overall doing a better job than native Americans. But immigration flow should certainly procede according to the consent of voting American citizens, and observances of laws approved by those citizen voters and their elected representatives.
Since I believe that we should have lots of Mexican immigrants, I should advocate increasing the immigration ceiling, not laws that will make it easier for immigrants to sneak around border checks and enter illegally. Let's do this the right way. The current -- wrong -- way is dangerous and harrowing for the immigrants, and lets in too many criminals. Isn't there a way to permit and welcome lots of immigrants in an orderly and safe manner?
Another Argument for Universal Healthcare: Corporate Health Costs Reducing Profits
It's a financial crisis expected to explode in the next 20 years as baby boomers join the ranks of senior citizens, who consume the lion's share of pills. With about four retirees for every active employee, GM is a harbinger of the problem the United States will face in coming years.Other industrialized nations have also negotiated price ceilings with pharmaceutical companies, something else the corrupt US Congress has failed to do.When a year's supply of some cancer drugs costs more than a $50,000 Cadillac DTS, General Motors and the rest of the country have a problem.
Fraud-Free Voting Reform Proposal
1. Electronic voting machines networked together.
2. Each voter presents a driver's license or alternate state-issued ID card. Yes, these can be forged, but requiring an ID will at least cut down on people voting for each other, and non-citizens voting. For the purposes of this discussion, the term "driver's license" means either a driver's license, or that alternative card for non-drivers issued by the same state agency.
3. Driver's license will declare either "US Citizen" or "Non-Citizen Resident", based on documents used to obtain ID.
4. Driver's license will include web address that will list voting dates and the polling location associated with the holder's listed home address. Citizens who lack a home address can select "indigent" (or some other happier word) but must declare a voting precinct.
5. Automatic voter registration for all holders of driver's license. Polling location officials will have a printed and web list of all driver's license holders with home addresses assigned to their precinct. The printout will include a sticker with the person's Name and Driver's License number.
6. The precinct will have:
- Government employees, and the agency in charge of the voting must be non-partisan.
- Up to two representatives from any Party or Candidate on the ballot, or anybody else who arranges to volunteer as an observer. These observers at any time can montitor or check the work of the government employees. The observers can have their own copy of the voter role.
7. When the voter appears at the station:
- Government rep will check the photo ID against the person, and against the electronic voter role.
- Government rep hands sticker to voter with the information: Place this on one of the three printouts you will get; that will be your copy to take home and keep.
- If the person went to the wrong place, the worker can check where the addressee is assigned to vote, or electronically communicate with the correct precinct to check the person off there and permit the person to vote at the current precicnt. Observers at both sites can communicate with each other to ensure that the the change gets made at both sites.
- Obervers can count the number of people who get approved to go to the voting booth.
- If there is a controversy, say if the voter's name doesn't appear on the registration list, he or she is entitled to submit a Tentative ballot, which will be recorded but not counted until the voter exhausts appeals through the voting agency at a future date.
8. Voter in booth:
- Initiates voting screen, which assigns the vote a unique number which includes the Precinct ID, time, and date.
- Voting screen will include ability to change vote, and a final Review screen which overviews each vote, giving the voter a final chance.
- Upon selecting the "Submit" button, three printouts materialize with a summary of every race and each of the user's vote. The user takes all three, and has the option of taking them to a Review Booth to ensure that all three paper documents are identical, and reflect the votes that the user intended.
- The printouts will have at the top a unique voting ID.
- The printouts are formatted so that an electronic reader can count votes, and humans can accurately and easily interpret them.
- The printouts for a Tentative vote will have a special obvious border all around, with the words "TENTATIVE".
9. Finalization:
- Voter places sticker with his/her name & driver's license one of the copies, and hands the other two to the govt worker.
- The govt worker places one copy in a safe box, and another in a box that the observers. Tentative copies both go into a special Tentative safe box. All boxes remain in veiw of all observers and govt workers at all times.
10. Station closes:
- Various Observer groups have taken a count of the number of approved voters, and the govt workers have their count. A govt worker announces the govt count. Observers have a chance to dispute the count. If any observer disputes the count, all observers and the govt workers enact a process to count the ballots in the Observer box. First a govt worker will submit them to the electronic counter. If that does not settle the dispute, any observer or group of observers has the right to hand-count all the ballots in plain view of all others.
- A govt worker announces the count for each item on the ballot first from the electronic results, and then from feeding the Observer ballots into an electronic reader. Any observers in view of all others can conduct their own hand-vote tally for any item on the ballot.
- All govt reps and observers sign a document containing their names, driver's licenses, and whom they represent, and contact info, certifying the vote for the precinct, including any objections.
- All ballot boxes will remain in the precint until any dispute is settled, and any observers will have the option to remain in the room with the box, runnign in 24-hour shifts until all observers agree to any disputes. The next day Tentative voters will have to return to resolve those disputes, in view of the observers.
11. Voter intimidation:
- People complain that partisan Observers challange people attempting to vote. Presumably the photo ID requirement would eliminate any desire by observers to challange voters.
- People complalin that police postings near voting sites intimidate voters. Ban police postings from a one mile radius of a voting precinct on voting day during voting hours; ban voter ID confirmation process as a mechanism for identifying people with outstanding warrents; ban any communication between govt precinct workers and law enforcement pertaining to any individual voter.
- Make plain that voting precinct hours of operation and location will be mastered on a particular govt website, and that no phone calls will ever inform voters about voting times, dates, and locations.
When Pigs Fly: Business Leaders Agree With Nadir; Shun Paul Hue
The U.S., which held top spot last year, fell behind Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and Denmark, and Singapore. The top four counties all ran budget surpluses and have low levels of debt - something the US has not been able to achieve with the Bush tax cuts, his foreign adventures, and exploding deficits.The report says, "The U.S. economy suffers from striking weaknesses. There is significant risk to both the country's overall competitiveness and, given the relative size of the U.S., the future of the global economy."
Tax cuts? Foreign adventures? Deficit spending?? Why these are the very policies that caused Paul Hue to vote for and provide continued support for the criminally and economically incompetent Bush administration!!
How could it be that business leaders around the world agree with little old leftist Nadir, who runs a small corporation, but obviously doesn't know economics from an E minor 7th chord, and disagree with right-wing intellectual giant, Paul Hue whose decision to paint his living room pink is seen by many to be the metrosexual investment move of the century??How could it be that all the economic indicators support Nadir's view and not Paul Hue's?
Surely Adam Smith is turning in his grave, Hell hath frozen over and prized Berkshire sows are piloting F-16s over Iraq this very moment!!
The Reason Americans Are So Stupid
Editor's Note: Newsweek has scrubbed the cover of its United States edition for October 2, 2006. The cover of its international editions, aimed at Europe and other world regions, has maintained the original title of the story, "Losing Afghanistan." The new cover for the United States edition features photographer Annie Leibovitz and is titled "My Life in Pictures." We offer the European edition cover and story here.From Michelle Pilecki on Huffington Post:
So the powers-that-be at Newsweek figure that they can attract readers in Europe, Asia and Latin America with a dramatic cover depicting an Islamist armed with an evil-looking rocket-propelled grenade launcher that seems to be aimed right at the reader, who -- it is to be assumed -- would be thus "grabbed" by the prospect of a hard-hitting news story.
American readers, on the other hand, are assumed to prefer the soft pap of Newsweek Entertainment. "The audience is stupid" is the prevailing sentiment among the people at the top of the MSM, as Harry Shearer pointed out last week: "Whether or not they actually started out stupid, your programming [or editorial] decisions may help make them stupid." It's a self-fulfilling belief.
Conservative Mag Reports on Ease of Electronic Vote Hacking
Electronic voting machines should not be used with or without a paper receipt. It is too easy to program computers to say what you want them to say.
Our primative electoral department in lowly Westland, Michigan uses a long paper ballot that even provides a paper receipt. It doesn't create any longer lines than our touchscreen voting system did during the 2000 election, and I am confident that when I darken the circle for Ralph Nader on my ballot, it will read Ralph Nader when it comes out the other end. I had no such confidence in 2000.
By the way, did I say Ralph Nader for president in 2008? Or maybe Jesse Ventura...
Battle of Silly Dark Age Costumes
After settling that 1,000 years ago the rulers of all nations were a bunch of deplorable savages (with the Christian savages violating their official New Testiment teachings, and the Muslim savages honoring their official Koran and "tradition" book teachings), they might get around to today, and which governments conduct themselves still as dark age brutes.
The Other Philpott on the Spinach Scare
To avoid similar problems in the future, Tom encourages us to buy locally or grow our own.
Is Monotheism the Problem?
The Greeks and Romans, the Hindus, and the Egyptians all imagined many different gods who hang out together, the way people throughout the world do. These cultures envisioned social gods with busy existences who like pleasure, food, sex, art and other good things of life. As with people, the social ties among the gods loosely constrain their destructive impulses. Mostly these gods are so involved with each other they only sometimes notice the lesser beings, just as people only sometimes notice their household animals.
The multiple gods of great cultural systems, and the gods and spirits of many tribal cultures as well, are familiar, understandable. They project the human world into the sky, the same way science fiction does (except, of course, science fiction understands it is offering fiction).
If America's So Great, Where's Our Health Care?
Those 18,000 dead and the 1.5 million people who file bankruptcies every year just don't care enough about themselves to get jobs that provide medical coverage, right? The fact that corporations are reducing benefits or eliminating coverage altogether is immaterial, right?An estimated 50 million Americans lack medical insurance, and a similar and rapidly growing number are underinsured. The uninsured are excluded from services, charged more for services, and die when medical care could save them -- an estimated 18,000 die each year because they lack medical coverage.
But it's not only the uninsured who suffer. Of the more than 1.5 million bankruptcies filed in the U.S. each year, about half are a result of medical bills; of those, three-quarters of filers had health insurance.
Jesus Camp
More Blacks Homeschooling Their Children Rather Than Deal With Failing Public Schools
Many black homeschoolers worry that their children will be labeled in a public school. Black public school students are three times as likely as white students to be categorized as needing special education services, a 2002 study by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University found."My son is high-energy, and I didn't want him to end up on Ritalin or feel bad about himself," Utsey said. "There is an assumption that black boys are violent if they are too energetic."
A desire for more rigorous academics and greater emphasis on black history also has led black families into homeschooling, educators say.
Falling Petro Prices: Where's the Parade?
So how to explain the 8 years of super-low petro prices under Clinton, which contributed crucially to those good economic times? Why not turn the price dial down to help Bush I, then turn it up to hurt Clinton in his reelection, and then to hurt Gore?
Islam Dissident Ayaan Hirsi Ali Moves to USA
Chavez Giving Oil to USA's "Poor"
Dot org, The Big Lie
But having multiple suffixes is a big problem, and getting worse. Imagine Nadir's dad, with his website ascot.com, where he sells "smart scarves for smart men." But what about:
Etc.? All of these can have different uses, including fraudulently stealing Nadir's dad's business. For this reason people with legitimate websites have to go grab all the same basenames with the various suffixes, just to guard against fraud.
Saladin not so Un-Mohamad-like in Battle Afterall
Islam: What's the Attraction?
The begining of Ramadan is a good time to learn facts about Islam, and to consider them critically. Just don't mention any criticisms to muslims who practice as Moh did; you'll get killed. Even during Ramadan, a time during which Moh led a murderous robbery on a camal train. I wonder what those young boys are for mixed in with the famous 72 virgins waiting the "faithful" in heaven. Nadir, what ever attracted you to this religion?
Surprise! Bill Maher Defends Willie Nelson
Clinton Goes Off On Fox's Chris Wallace
But the best part is that Clinton goes off on his critics (like SixStringSlinger) who claim that Clinton was to blame for not getting Bin Laden.
I'm no Slick Willie fan, but I think it's about time that someone jacked Fox News up for their one-sided so-called reporting. If you watch the interview tomorrow, be sure to watch for editing tricks that make Clinton look like he is going "crazy" as Fox is already accusing.
Torture By Any Other Name
Rove Promises Desperate GOP an "October Surprise"

With Republican candidates losing faith in the president and "Bush's Brain", it is certain that the famous huckster has some dirty tricks up his sleeve...
Detroit Spends More Per Pupil Than Rich Schools

Wayne County Government School Per-Pupil Spending from all sources (local, state, federal):
Inkster: $14,400 - Black/Fail
Detroit: $11,600 - Black/Fail
Grosse Point: $11,000 - White/Pass
Dearborn: $10,000 - White/Pas
Grosse Ile: $ 9,300 - White/Pass
Wayne-Westland $ 8,600 - White/Pass
Livonia: $ 8,500 - White/Pass
Northville $ 8,400 - White/Excellent
Plymouth-Canton: $ 7,900 - White/Excellent
Dearborn Heights: $ 7,500 - Whte/Pass
I omitted many of the Wayne districts, most of which lie outside of the Detroit metro area. I listed the most famous and largest Wayne County districts within Detroit metro: Detroit and its near western neighbors. The top two best-funded schools are both black-majority, and the two worst. At least by reputation, the best are Northville and Plymouth-Canton, which are heavily honkey, but among the least-funded. These suburbs lie to Detroit's west. If we look across Detroit's famous "8 Mile" border along its northern edge, into Oakland County, a slightly different picture emerges, but one that confirms my assertion:
Bloomfield Hills: $14,400 - White/Excellent
Birmingham: $13,000 - White/Excellent
Southfield: $13,000 - Black/Fail
Farmington: $11,500 - Whte/Pass
Troy: $10,600 - Whte/Pass
Novi: $10,500 - Whte/Pass
Royal Oak: $10,400 - White/Excellent
Pontiac: $10,300 - Black/Fail
West Bloomfield:$10,200 - White/Excellent
Madison: $ 8,700 - White/Pass
Ferndale: $ 8,600 - White/Excellent
Berkley: $ 8,600 - White/Excellent
What do we see here? All black-majority schools in the Detroit metro area are failures, they are all run by black folks and they all are among the best-funded. Inkster ties for best-funded, and only two honkey schools get more funding than Detroit; Inkster also rates as having one of the very worst-performing districts in the state, even worse than Detroit! All the four black-majority districts receive more funds than do several excellent white suburban schools. None of the white-majority schools are overall failures, and many of them obtain excellent results with just a fraction of the budgets afforded the failing Inkster and Detroit schools.
What is the answer? Clearly not money, and clearly not more discussions about racism.
Per Student annual funding:
"2004-05 BULLETIN 1014 Michigan Public School Districts Ranked By Selected Financial Data Published May 2006" here & here [For Detroit, see page 50 (County = Wayne, Detroit City School District, code 82010), header "All Sources".]
Update: 2007-8 data for Detroit (p. 51): $12,100.
Academic rankings:
This shows No Child Left Behind "Meets" vs "Does not meet". Search by district, then look for the High School assessment rating.
Detroit Public School Failure: Money, Racism? No!
I am attempting to verify that figure, and identify the "several suburban districts" that receive less per-pupil funds than does DPS (the Detroit News article's reference is vague). Many appolgists for failing public school systems claim that the failing systems get unfairly starved of funds, and that this at least partially explains their failure.
If these figures are accurate, they present more evidence that the failure of TODAY's black-majority public schools do not result from racism or lack of funding. As presented before on this blog, one of the nation's worst public schools is DS's, which also is the highest-funded and tied for most dominated by black municipal and school officials and teachers.
RL readers know that I believe US schools in general, including private schools, are slipping into medicrity, as are its students in general. But black students in particular, and the schools where they dominate, are on average performing much worse than average. Those school, and those students, more than any others need the reforms that I have articulated for solving all academic problems:
1. Require teachers to have BS and BA degrees in academic fields; eliminate "Education" as an accepted field.
2. Eliminate electives and all non-academic classes from the curricula.
3. Require non-english seconary language for all students every day K-12. As a practical matter, we won't fire all the Education teachers. But we will stop hiring them. And we'll stop increasing salaries for teachers who get advanced degrees in Education, but instead for scholarly degrees.
4. Require musical instrument every day K-12 for all students.
5. Eliminate inter-scholastic athletics from schools; shift those to local Parks and Recreation departments.
6. Transform some high schools to trade schools for students who prefer learning trades to earning a High School diploma. Take these facilities seriously, so that graduates with a "Trade Certificate" have something of value. Include some mandatory classes in reading, writing, and math, the sort of watered-down classes that dominate most of the current failing schools.
7. Declare some factilities as daycare holding pens for students who refuse to participate at either High Schools or Trade Schools.
8. Eliminate all non-academic activities from the school day: No AIDS Awareness or Career Awareness assemblies; no visits from local professional sports teams; no Just Say No rallies; no field trips.
9. Extend the school day, and reduce homework. When kids leave at 4:30pm, they should be ready to have fun and participate in sports. With all the above reforms, students will spend more time on scholarly matters, under the tutalidge of subject matter experts. Eight hours of serious scholarly work should be enough!
10. Eliminate junk food, and replace cafeteria foods with nurishing foods.
11. Eliminate mandatory attendance. Students who refuse to participate productively will get shifted over to the Daycare Holding Pens, where they will have options to earn their way back to schools. We cannot let refractory children ruin the sacred teacher-student efforts! Preachers and coaches would not tolerate such behavior, and teachers must not either!
12. Vouchers! And not just partial vouchers, or only vouchers for peopel below a special income level. Full vouchers... for everyone! Let Detroit parents have the full $11, 000 to spend were ever they like. The market will demonstrate who makes the better schools.
Black schools and black students need these reforms, on average, more than anybody else.
Spinach Hysteria

Musharraf says the threat came from then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and was delivered to Musharraf's intelligence director.Who says Armitage wasn't on Bush's team?
"The intelligence director told me that (Armitage) said, 'Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age,' " recalls Musharraf. It was insulting, he says. "I think it was a very rude remark." But he reacted to it in a responsible way, he tells Kroft. "One has to think and take actions in the interests of the nation, and that's what I did."
So this is how you treat your military dictator friends? Still a lot of good it has done them since Pakistan is most likely where your boy, Bin Laden, is hiding if he is still alive. (There is still a question of that, though Osama and Tupac are releasing new records at about the same pace.)
Of course, it has made Pakistan a willing customer of US weapons.
"Now YOU can purchase these powerful F-16 fighter jets! These are the very same ones that would have blown up bridges, electrical plants and civilian homes in your country if you hadn't chosen to become our ally in the war on terror! Buy now before we change our minds!!
Bush should change the name of his campaign to "The War OF Terror!"
Unjustified Spinach Hysteria
This article shows lots of mortality figures for the US, including a claim that in 2000, a whopping 365,000 Americand died due to "Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity," whereas only 75,000 died from "microbial agents", which is very spurious since most such deaths really result from weak immune systems caused by... poor diet!
Surely spinach figures mightily in any effort to reduce "death from poor diets," and it sure seems to me that in the past five years bags of baby spinach has sky-rocketed in popularity. Could this and similar trends contribute to the recent reduced American mortality rates? Given all these FACTS, does it really make sense to DESTROY all the existing fresh spinach in the US, just to stop a few hundred people from getting sick, and two or three old people from dying?
Will this needless hysteria now diminish the previously popular growing appeal of fresh vegitables?
Commerce Department loses 1,137 laptops
You'll have to pardon me when I say that I don't buy it.
Racism in Coaching
And I do admit that if racism clearly exists in coaching, then I should expect to find it in other areas. That's a logical point that I must concede. However, I do not believe that the facts bear that out. It appears to me that racism is fading away in the USA and enjoys only a few pockets of survival, such as sports coaching.
The Intellectual Origins Of America-Bashing
"America-bashing is anti-Americanism at its most radical and totalizing. Its goal is not to advise, but to condemn; not to fix, but to destroy. It repudiates every thought of reform in any normal sense; it sees no difference between American liberals and American conservatives; it views every American action, both present and past, as an act of deliberate oppression and systemic exploitation. It is not that America went wrong here or there; it is that it is wrong root and branch. The conviction at the heart of those who engage in it is really quite simple: that America is an unmitigated evil, an irredeemable enormity.
This is the specter that is haunting the world today. Indeed, one may even go so far as to argue that this America is the fundamental organizing principle of the left as it exists today: To be against America is to be on the right side of history; to be for it is to be on the wrong side."
It's worth reading the whole thing.
Why Not Photo ID To Vote?
Nadir has claimed that "illegal immigration" is a problem not just from Mexico, but also from European nations. So without such US govt-issued photo ID card requirement, what prevents these dreadful honkey invaders going to Nadir's Westland, Mi voting site and voting for Bush and the anti-abortion ammendment?
It seems to me that lefties and righties must agree on several requirements for voting reform, and this must be one of them. This article has lefties equating a photo ID requirement with racist Jim Crow voter literacy tests. Are black folks in 2006 so intellectually feeble that although a photo ID requirement to drive, obtain employment, and fly does not "intimidate" them, it would for voting? Who are these black folks who would feel "intimidated"? Surely those making this claim are *themselves* strong and assertive enough to stand up to a voting official asking for an ID. So who is it that they are worrying about?
CIA to Bush: We Refuse to Run Your Secret Torture Chambers
If the CIA is questioning the legality of your policies, you KNOW it's some dirty, underhanded $h!t.When Mr Bush announced the suspension of the secret prison programme in a speech before the fifth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks, some analysts thought he was trying to gain political momentum before the November midterm congressional elections.
The administration publicly explained its decision in light of the legal uncertainty surrounding permissible interrogation techniques following the June Supreme Court ruling that all terrorist suspects in detention were entitled to protection under Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions.
But the former CIA officials said Mr Bush’s hand was forced because interrogators had refused to continue their work until the legal situation was clarified because they were concerned they could be prosecuted for using illegal techniques. One intelligence source also said the CIA had refused to keep the secret prisons going.
Impeach, Indict, Prosecute, Convict and Incarcerate Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and Rice!
Walmart Evil?
It's happening again....
The UN nuclear watchdog has protested to the US government over a report on Iran's nuclear programme, calling it "erroneous" and "misleading". In a leaked letter, the IAEA said a congressional report contained serious distortions of the agency's own findings on Iran's nuclear activity.
The IAEA also took "strong exception" to claims made over the removal of a senior safeguards inspector.
There was no immediate comment from Washington over the letter.
From Editor&Publisher:
A report today by veteran McClatchy (formerly Knight Ridder) reporters John Walcott and Warren P. Strobel warns that some of the same type of shaky intelligence that proved false in the run up to the Iraq war may be rearing its head again in regard to Iran.
"U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism officials say Bush political appointees and hard-liners on Capitol Hill have tried recently to portray Iran's nuclear program as more advanced than it is and to exaggerate Tehran's role in Hezbollah's attack on Israel in mid-July," they write.
Again, from From Editor&Publisher:
When Daniel Ellsberg, the defense analyst, leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press in 1971, it created one of the most significant newspaper stories -- and battles -- of the century. One thing it did not do was prevent the Vietnam War, although it may have shortened it. Now he is calling on officials within the government to leak "the Pentagon Papers of the Middle East" to modern reporters, to short-circuit another possible war.
Ellsberg's challenge is found in the October issue of Harper's magazine, to appear next week. E&P has obtained an advance copy. The article is titled, "The Next War," with the conflict in question a possible face-off between the U.S. and Iran. Ellsberg, based on unconfirmed reporting by Seymour Hersh and others, believes there is a "hidden crisis," with government insiders aware of "serious plans for war with Iran" while "congress and the public remain largely in the dark." His remedy: "Conscientious insiders" need to leak hard evidence to the press and public, while risking their current and future employment, as he did in the early 1970s.
Where's Judy Miller when you need her?
Needed Divorce: Sports and Academics
It's insane; it defies logic. If a kid shows a genius for skate boarding, acting, or basketball, logic demands that we permit that kid the option of persuing that life track to its ultimate conclusion. If the kid wants also to learn physics and history, he can do it on the side, or do it later. Leave schools alone to produce scholars, and leave sports teams alone to tend to their own affairs. DIVORCE THEM!
Why Not Gore?
Gore has been beating a global warming drum since before a few hot summers cause most Americans to believe that claim, and he instantly and loudly opposed Bush's proposed Iraqi war which most Americans now oppose. Also, he gets to claim that the evil repos "stole" the election from him; many voters believe that. Why would the demos want anybody else?
People claim that Gore is a bafoonish bore, but they said the same thing about Clinton... until he won. Now Clinton's a beloved genius (a genius because Perot ran in both of his elections!).
The Crusaders: Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own image
Cries of "Gender Inequity" Indicate Ignorance
When the writer of this article provides details, it undermines her indignation. For example: "Waitresses were paid an average of $46 per week less than waiters." Now, how can this be possible? All waiters at any restaurant earn the same hourly wage, and they all work for tips. Are American consumers -- HALF OF WHOM ARE CHICKS! -- tipping broads less than dudes? Of course not. And consider that some of the best-tipping jobs -- cocktail waitresses -- are off-limits to guys (except at the bars frequented by Nadir's dad). Surely something besides descrimination must explain this discrepancy.
Same for this writer's revelation that last year "Female physicians earned an average $679 per week less than male doctors." Are ho brain surgeons getting paid less? How could this even be possible? Or are chick MDs simply less likely than dude MDs to select the higher-paying specialties?
Afterall, chicks are now out-performing dudes in all areas of academics: a greater fraction graduate high school, attend college, graduate college, and their average test scores and GPAs trump those of fellers. Does this "gender inequality" result from anti-male descrimination? If broads can beat dudes in academics without descrimination, then maybe dudes can beat broads in income for similar reasons: personal choices. Whereas girls are making personal choices that translate into better academic results than dudes, dudes are making personal choices that translate into better salary results than chicks.
I wonder if the broad who wrote this column gets paid less than her fellow fellers who write columns at her paper.
Low Tax Rates = High Tax Revenues
Running College QB Matt Jones Shunted to NFL Receiver
911 Questions For You Smart Guys to Answer
Since you guys know all the facts about 911, see how many of these questions you can answer. Feel free to use the Internet, books, make phone calls to public officials or use whatever method you wish to come up with the answers.
I know it is beyond the ability of sheep to question the leader of the herd, but I believe you guys are remotely intelligent. You have no problem questioning the reasoning of Muslims or liberals. Why are you afraid to question your own ilk?
I also know that you will laugh at me for even posing the questions. You would rather accept the word of your fearmongering leaders than to use your own brains and ask obvious questions when things just don't add up.
Yes, at least a third of Americans want these questions answered. If 911 is such an important event in American history, then for the sake of history, you should want the truth to be told as well.
So go ahead, smart guys. How many of these 500 questions can you answer? And this is an old list of questions (2002), so surely you can get some of them...
John McWhorter vs. The Boondocks
Stanley Crouch vs. Islamic Crusaders
Head-in-the-Sand Liberals
"At its most extreme, liberal denial has found expression in a growing subculture of conspiracy theorists who believe that the atrocities of 9/11 were orchestrated by our own government. A nationwide poll conducted by the Scripps Survey Research Center at Ohio University found that more than a third of Americans suspect that the federal government "assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East;" 16% believe that the twin towers collapsed not because fully-fueled passenger jets smashed into them but because agents of the Bush administration had secretly rigged them to explode.
Such an astonishing eruption of masochistic unreason could well mark the decline of liberalism, if not the decline of Western civilization. There are books, films and conferences organized around this phantasmagoria, and they offer an unusually clear view of the debilitating dogma that lurks at the heart of liberalism: Western power is utterly malevolent, while the powerless people of the Earth can be counted on to embrace reason and tolerance, if only given sufficient economic opportunities.I don't know how many more engineers and architects need to blow themselves up, fly planes into buildings or saw the heads off of journalists before this fantasy will dissipate. The truth is that there is every reason to believe that a terrifying number of the world's Muslims now view all political and moral questions in terms of their affiliation with Islam. This leads them to rally to the cause of other Muslims no matter how sociopathic their behavior. This benighted religious solidarity may be the greatest problem facing civilization and yet it is regularly misconstrued, ignored or obfuscated by liberals."
"In their analyses of U.S. and Israeli foreign policy, liberals can be relied on to overlook the most basic moral distinctions. For instance, they ignore the fact that Muslims intentionally murder noncombatants, while we and the Israelis (as a rule) seek to avoid doing so. Muslims routinely use human shields, and this accounts for much of the collateral damage we and the Israelis cause; the political discourse throughout much of the Muslim world, especially with respect to Jews, is explicitly and unabashedly genocidal.
Given these distinctions, there is no question that the Israelis now hold the moral high ground in their conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah. And yet liberals in the United States and Europe often speak as though the truth were otherwise. We are entering an age of unchecked nuclear proliferation and, it seems likely, nuclear terrorism. There is, therefore, no future in which aspiring martyrs will make good neighbors for us. Unless liberals realize that there are tens of millions of people in the Muslim world who are far scarier than Dick Cheney, they will be unable to protect civilization from its genuine enemies."
He's describing you to a "T" Nadir. This liberal gets it, why don't you?
Nepotism Trumps Knowledge in Iraq Reconstruction
After the fall of Saddam Hussein's government in April 2003, the opportunity to participate in the U.S.-led effort to reconstruct Iraq attracted all manner of Americans -- restless professionals, Arabic-speaking academics, development specialists and war-zone adventurers. But before they could go to Baghdad, they had to get past Jim O'Beirne's office in the Pentagon.
To pass muster with O'Beirne, a political appointee who screens prospective political appointees for Defense Department posts, applicants didn't need to be experts in the Middle East or in post-conflict reconstruction. What seemed most important was loyalty to the Bush administration.O'Beirne's staff posed blunt questions to some candidates about domestic politics: Did you vote for George W. Bush in 2000? Do you support the way the president is fighting the war on terror? Two people who sought jobs with the U.S. occupation authority said they were even asked their views on Roe v. Wade .
Right-Wingers: Why is Your President Convinced That Torture Makes Americans Safer?

"Mr Bush told reporters at a hastily arranged press conference that his controversial plans were essential for the protection of the United States.
"He was speaking a day after four key Republican senators rebelled, backing an alternative draft proposal."
Even though Republicans are finally speaking up against Bush's attrocities, the president is determined that his way is the only way.
Question 1: What's up with your boy?
Question 2: Why have Republicans been so slow in condemning this criminal and immoral behavior?Question 3: Is this condemnation coming because it is election season and the President is more unpopular than ever?
FBI's Most Wanted
Keep your eyes peeled.
A Nightmare for the U.S.A.
It’s been five years since the tragedy of September 11. I’ve been suffering from repeated sleepless nights due to the same nightmare:
The bad dream goes like this. It’s some time in the near future, 2007, 2008 or soon after. Guided by a religious fanatic whose goal was to spread American Style Democracy throughout the world, the USA has lost its financial and moral standing. It turns out that liberating people at gunpoint simply does not win hearts and minds. "Coalition" Troops were not showered with flowers as they marched into Baghdad. It was not a re-enactment of the Liberation of Paris.
In the nightmare, America stands on the brink of a Third World War.
Nadir's Report from Camp Democracy

Activists from all over the nation have literally set up camp in
From September 5 to September 21
Al-Qaida joins Algerians against France
PARIS - Al-Qaida has for the first time announced a union with an Algerian insurgent group that has designated France as an enemy, saying they will act together against French and American interests.
Current and former French officials specializing in terrorism said Thursday that an al-Qaida alliance with the Salafist Group for Call and Combat, known by its French initials GSPC, was cause for concern.
Al-Qaida’s No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, announced the “blessed union” in a video posted this week on the Internet to mark the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.
France’s leader have repeatedly warned that the decision not to join the U.S.-led war in Iraq would not shield the country from Islamic terrorism. French participation in the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Lebanon could give extremists another reason to strike.
The Pope Confronts Islamic Jihad
His discourse Tuesday sought to delineate what he sees as a fundamental difference between Christianity’s view that God is intrinsically linked to reason (the Greek concept of logos) and Islam´s view that “God is absolutely transcendent.” Benedict said that Islam teaches that God’s “will is not bound up with any of our categories, even that of rationality.” The risk he sees implicit in this concept of the divine is that the irrationality of violence can potentially be justified if someone believes it is God’s will. “As far as understanding of God and thus the concrete practice of religion is concerned, we find ourselves faced with a dilemma which nowadays challenges us directly. Is the conviction that acting unreasonably contradicts God’s nature merely a Greek idea, or is it always and intrinsically true?”
This is indeed Benedict doing it on his own terms. Rather than tackling the challenge of fundamentalist terrorism with a pithy remark packaged for the 9/11 anniversary or reaching for a John Paul-inspired sweeping gesture, the professor Pope went digging into his books. He went so far as to quote a 14th century Byzantine emperor´s hostile view of Islam’s founder. “The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war,” the Pope said. “He said, I quote, ‘Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.’” Benedict added “I quote” twice to make it clear these were someone else’s words. Nevertheless this reference was undoubtedly the most provocative moment of a provocative lecture. In a sense, explicitly including the Muslim prophet by name, and citing the concept of jihad, was a flashing neon signal to the world that the soft-spoken Pope intends to make himself heard clearly on this defining tension of our times.
It is not the first time he has entered the fray. On his last trip to Germany, to Cologne for Catholic World Youth Day in August 2005, he told a group of Muslims that they have a responsibility to try to halt the violence carried out in the name of their religion. Even earlier on this trip to Bavaria, which ends Thursday, he seemed to refer to Islam’s negative view of a Western society that has too little faith, and cited it as the cause for tensions.
The man's got cahones.
Anybody want to wager who has an assassination attempt on him first? George W. Bush, or the Pope? I know for some of you it wouldn't break your heart to see them both get wacked.
In fact, you'd probably go out and celebrate.
Amnesty Intl Charges Hezbollah with war crimes against Israel
The militant Shiite group Hezbollah committed war crimes in its deliberate targeting of civilians in the recent conflict with Israel, Amnesty International has said in a report.
Rubberstamping the Pirates: GOP Backs Bush's Criminal Policies Again
How will you guys rationalize this one? The Constitution is so passe', right? Those are ancient 18th century values, right?
The Three Godfathers of Rock?
Wise: Rationalizing the Irrational
"But however logical it may be to harbor and rationalize racist views, and to defend racism in practice, in the long run, doing so is detrimental and counter-productive, even to those whites who, in the short-run, reap the benefits.
"After all, when folks start believing that a certain group is the dangerous one, to be avoided or repressed in some way, they are likely to let down their guards to the dangers posed by others--dangers that might, for them in fact, be greater than those about which they are hyper-alert."
Sin City, Batman Cartoonist Waves US Flag
Frank Miller is a comic book artist whose titles include Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Sin City (which he co-directed for the movies). Miller recently announced that he's working on a new graphic novel in which Batman pits himself against terrorists.
One Arab's Apology
"September 12, 2006 -- WELL, here it is, five years late, but here just the same: an apology from an Arab-American for 9/11. No, I didn't help organize the killers or contribute in any way to their terrible cause. However, I was one of millions of Arab-Americans who did the unspeakable on 9/11: nothing.
The only time I raised my voice in protest against these men who killed thousands of innocents in the name of Allah was behind closed doors, among the safety of friends and family. I did at one point write a very vitriolic essay condemning their actions, but fear of becoming another Salman Rushdie kept me from ever trying to publish it.
Well, I'm sick of saying the truth only in private - that Arabs around the world, including Arab-Americans like myself, need to start holding our own culture accountable for the insane, violent actions that our extremists have perpetrated on the world at large.Yes, our extremists and our culture."
Petro Prices Drop. Nobody Cares.
Who was it that predicted this price drop, anyway? Oh, yeah: people who understand economics, including me. Expect $1.50/gal again in the next year or so.
The Liberty Manifesto
All we have is the belief that people should do what people want to do, unless it causes harm to other people. And that had better be clear and provable harm. No nonsense about second-hand smoke or hurtful, insensitive language, please...
Freedom is not empowerment. Empowerment is what the Serbs have in Bosnia. Anybody can grab a gun and be empowered. It's not entitlement. An entitlement is what people on welfare get, and how free are they? It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights -- the "right" to education, the "right" to health care, the "right" to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery -- hay and a barn for human cattle...
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences...
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.2006-09-11
Islamic Crusade Terror Against US Over-Hyped?
Racism Againt Mixed Couple
Muslim Critics Love USA
The article mostly has the muslim immigrants opposing US foriegn policy, but praising the US. The writer doesn't challange the claims of "discrimination", even as she notes that muslim immigrants enjoy an "average salary" greater than 20% above the US average and that last year 9.5 million applicants vied for US citizenship.
Armitage On CIA Leak: 'I Screwed Up'
"First of all, I felt so terrible about what I'd done that I felt I deserved whatever was coming to me. And secondarily, I didn't need an attorney to tell me to tell the truth. I as already doing that," Armitage explains. "I was not intentionally outing anybody.
As I say, I have tremendous respect for Ambassador. Wilson's African credentials. I didn't know anything about his wife and made an offhand comment. I didn't try to out anybody." That was nearly three years ago, but the political firestorm over who leaked Valerie Plame's identity continued to burn as Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald began hauling White House officials and journalists before a grand jury.
Armitage says he didn't come forward because "the special counsel, once he was appointed, asked me not to discuss this and I honored his request."
"I thought every day about how I'd screwed up," he adds.
Armitage never did tell the president, but he's talking now because Fitzgerald told him he could.
Lefty Media Silence On Wilson - Plame
Zimbabwe's Housing Mess
VDH: Is the Western Way of War Dead?
"(So) this anti-Western bias among elites inside the West has given the terrorists enormous advantages in this conflict. If one doubts the sophistication of al Qaeda in echoing Western self-loathing, examine the recent communiqué in which Adam Gadahn condemns Daniel Pipes and Steven Emerson, while praising Seymour Hersh, Robert Fisk, and George Galloway. Not long ago Osama bin Laden tried to interject himself into the 2004 elections by hinting that each state will have to accept the consequences of its vote. Earlier he had praised William Blum’s savage take on America, Rogue State."So Nadir, while you may see freaks like Adam Gadahn as not a real Muslim and not a true representation of Islam, he and his bretheran are a real threat and they are very good and have become very adept at taking the anti-war, peacenik, conspiracy-theory laden Democrat talking points and using them against us.
As Paul stated the other day, you're well within your rights to believe what you want and to disagree with this President and with this war, but remember, much of what you say is being used as propaganda against us.
With freedom of speech comes responsibility. But then again, since you seem to believe that the U.S. and the rest of the "imperialist" free West deserves it's comeuppance, maybe you think it's your "responsibility" then to make sure it gets it.
Leftist & Repo War on Science
But what about the "dismal science" of economics? Even Repos join Demos insisting that "anti-gouging" laws will help during a disaster. And what about Leftists believing that higher tax rates produce higher tax revenues, and lower tax rate produce lower tax revs?
Hitchens on Niger - Hussain - Wilson
Broder: Wilson-Plame Hysteria Unfounded
Coulter's plea for common sense
She uses even the Duke Rape/Hoax case, taking no sides: either a rape occured, or a false rape accusation occured. In either case, the offended parties placed themselves in a very risky situation. Want to avoid false rape charges, guys? Don't hire strippers to come to your home. Don't want to get raped, girls? Don't go to strange men's homes and trade cash for stripping.
Coulter points out that just people have a "right" to own a gun, exercizing that right comes with risks. Men have a "right" to hire strippers, and women have "rights" to drink heavily in public and leave alone with strange men, and to strip at the homes for strange men. I had a "right" to leave my kid's guitar on the backseat when I parked my car in downtown a few years ago; I will not excersize that right again!
Y'know, Coulter's a Grateful Dead fan. Though Nadir's music is much different, I reckon that band plays high-quality music, and thus Coulter might develop an adoration for Nadir...
Clinton Administration Officials Assail ABC's 'The Path to 9/11'
(Sandy "Burglar") Berger said in an interview that ABC is "certainly trying to create the impression that this is realistic, but it's a fabrication."
Maybe 'ol Sandy feels confident making this statement because he made off with the damning evidence by stuffing it in his pants and socks. Can someone please explain to me again how it is that this fat slob isn't behind bars?
So much for your "legacy", Bubba.
Coulter's Wilson-Plame Assessment
As with the columns by Novak and Hitchens, she asserts that Wilson's assessment about Niger to be non-definative. Bush in his speech only refered to what "British intelligence" had concluded, and the Brits stood by that assessment even after this controversy erupted (or, more precisely, after Wilson created a controversy). I surmise that Bush retracted the statement because after the speech we learned that the Niger issue involved a document later deemed forgery, probably by somebody by the person who sold it to western intelligence officials. The British re-investigation included this fact, but stuck to its original conclusion, which apparently did not turn on that document. Bush's retraction thus may have constituted not an admission of error, but rather a rhetorical consession to the difficulty in standing on this point now associated with a forged document and a shrieking Joe Wilson.
This incident really has amazed me. It's consisted of leftists like Nadir fiercely defending secrecy at the CIA using a law that all the leftists opposed when it passed. It also revealed a long-standing rivalry between the White House and CIA, showing that the White House lacks complete control over the CIA, and that CIA personnel can cause problems for a President at odds with them.
Adam Gadahn, "the American Al Qaidi"
Why, if I didn't know any better I'd swear this ass-f*ck has been reading some of Nadir's blog posts!
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Obit for Egyptian Writer
There was a time when Islam's people were more mature than those outside Islam. This article says that Mahfouz adored the fact that during the time of Islamic civilization, its leaders traded European prisoners for Greek literature. In those days muslims didn't kill people for the words that they wrote or spoke, though christians did. Today the worse that christian nuts do is boycott and demand the firing of people who "offend" them. That's a lot closer to civilization than executing them.
Thomas Sowell: The new nomenklatura
"The green nomenklatura talk egalitarianism like the old red nomenklatura and similarly ride roughshod over others while doing it. Their economic ethnic cleansing has driven tens of thousands of blacks out of some liberal Democratic counties.
There were 79,000 blacks living in San Francisco in 1990 and 46,000 today. So any people with children are leaving these bastions of liberal Democratic environmentalists as to force many schools in these counties to close.
But the new nomenklatura go around feeling good about themselves while leaving havoc in their wake."
"We Must Not Confuse Dissent with Disloyality"
More Absurdity of Interscholastic Athletics
FEAR FACTORY: Judge Throws Out Cell Phone Conspiracy Case
Okay. Call me gullible, but when I heard that these guys bought 80 cell phones at a Wal-Mart, I completely bought their "We're going to take them to Texas and resell them" story. It looks like both the state and federal judges agreed. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO FREAKIN' AFRAID????
Lending Credibility Where Credibility is Due
Was she merely analyst--as Bob Novak and others have claimed? Was she only a desk-jockey--as Jonah Goldberg of The National Review insisted? No. She was operations chief of the Joint Task Force on Iraq (JTFI), a unit of the Counterproliferation Division of the clandestine Directorate of Operations.
For the two years prior to her outing, Valerie Wilson worked to gather intelligence that would support the Bush White House's assertion that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was loaded with WMDs. This means that Armitage--as well as Karl Rove and Scooter Libby--leaked classified information about a undercover CIA officer whose job it had been to look for evidence of Saddam's WMD programs. Any irony here? During this part of her career, Valerie Wilson traveled overseas to monitor operations she and her staff at JTFI were mounting.
Some critics (Paul) have argued that a woman recommending her husband for a job for which he is uniquely qualified should cause a professional to lose credibility. This article by David Corn reveals that Plame-Wilson was most qualified to know who could best handle the task of searching for Iraqi connections in Niger.
Could it be that Valerie Wilson was illegally outed because she more than any other person could confirm that the White House's claims of WMDs in Iraq were false?
Bill Ford steps down from CEO post
But seriously, Ford Motor Co. is in some deep, deep, doo-doo.
M. Osman Siddique: Muslims must come forward
I am embarrassed when I read the names of the terrorists in the newspaper. What must non-Muslims think when some criminal claiming to act in the name of Islam and bearing the same name as the Prophet Muhammad is arrested?
I am also embarrassed that not all American Muslims do all they can to expose those in our community who would commit mayhem or would give succor in any way to those who would cause harm. Too many American Muslims hold back from publicly speaking out against extremist ideologies that threaten us all because they fear being stigmatized by their coreligionists for cooperating with security agencies.
Why is this? In part it is because some Muslim immigrants are relatively recent arrivals from nations in which security forces were corrupt and could not be trusted. Some shy from cooperation because of their immigration status or the status of those around them. Still others hold back because they disagree strongly with American foreign policy. They truly believe that the current administration is fighting a war against Islam under the guise of fighting terrorism. Regrettably, this sentiment is widespread among Muslims, more so abroad but to a substantial degree in America as well.
Our government may act incompetently and unwisely. But I'm confident that it holds no animosity toward Muslims simply because they are Muslims. Sadly, it is Muslims who perpetrate most of the worst terrorist attacks today. As we approach the fifth anniversary of September 11, this reality must be acknowledged by all Muslims.
Back to $1/gal petro?
As the petro epoch continues (stomping on its periodic obituaries), so does the development of the technology that will surely one day -- as it always has -- lead humans to yet a new source of fuel.
US gift to Iraq
Johnson: Smearing the Wilsons and Sliming America
How low can they go?
I refer of course to the latest vitriol directed at Valerie and Joe Wilson by the likes of Christopher Hitchens and Fred Hiatt of the Washington Post, who claim that Joe Wilson, not Bush administration officials, is responsible for destroying his wife's cover and exposing her as a CIA operative.
Hitchens's battle with the bottle may account for his addled thinking, but what is Hiatt's excuse?
Both men perform like Cirque du Soleil contortionists in dreaming up excuses for the nutty and destructive policies and actions of the Bush administration. In watching their behavior, we see a parallel with the devotees of Jim Jones, who gathered in Guyana almost 30 years ago to drink poisoned kool aid.
Zinn: War Is Not a Solution for Terrorism
The repeated excuse, given by both Pentagon spokespersons and Israeli officials, for dropping bombs where ordinary people live is that terrorists hide among civilians. Therefore the killing of innocent people (in Iraq, in Lebanon) is called accidental, whereas the deaths caused by terrorists (on 9/11, by Hezbollah rockets) are deliberate.
This is a false distinction, quickly refuted with a bit of thought. If a bomb is deliberately dropped on a house or a vehicle on the grounds that a "suspected terrorist" is inside (note the frequent use of the word suspected as evidence of the uncertainty surrounding targets), the resulting deaths of women and children may not be intentional. But neither are they accidental. The proper description is "inevitable."
Unhappy Anniversaries of Bush's Failure

Hitchy's Foriegn Affairs Commentary on Iraq
"The United States can contemplate leaving Iraqis to settle their sharp internal differences by themselves, but it cannot abandon them to a victory for clerical and political fascism and has its own reasons for demonstrating that such a threat can be met, engaged, and defeated. Those who believe, or half-believe, that the insurgency is produced by the Coalition presence are deceiving themselves, and have paid no attention to the countries where such tactics are used against the population in the absence of any Western involvement or even concern. At present, then, the United States is acting as a militia for the majority of Iraqis who do not have a militia of their own. (It is not without significance that when sectarians are found operating private or semi-official squads and prisons, the victims take their complaints to the Green Zone.)"