Why, if I didn't know any better I'd swear this ass-f*ck has been reading some of Nadir's blog posts!
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Nice still shot. He looks like he's preparing to perform some kind of oral sex act.
Blog by reformed leftist "Paul Hue", and his friends, including some UnReformed Leftists; the headlines reflect these competing views.
Why, if I didn't know any better I'd swear this ass-f*ck has been reading some of Nadir's blog posts!
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Mom and dad must be very proud.
"He was such a nice boy. We just can't understand how he became such raving lunatic."
Must be all the LSD they did back in the 60's.
Interesting guy. Half-jew American convert to islam and al-qaida. He certainly shares some views with Nadir, but I agree with him that Americans who advocate outlawing of flag-burning violate the principle of free speech. So do the British slander laws. But go draw a picture of Mohamad in the society that this guy advocates... or even any where near him or the many thousands just like him to see the difference.
He says the sort of things about christianity that would qualify for the false claims Nadir makes against my comments.
These people terrify me.
Six: Can you edit your post so that it has a link to the video, instead of pasting the video in the body of the post? I can't even figure out the source of this frightening video.
Done and done. I got sick of hearing this piece of verminous excrement's rant everytime time I opened the blog too.
What this guy is talking about isn't Islam. It is your perception of Islam, and many others might think it is, but what he is talking about isn't Qu'ranic.
Jesus is revered as a prophet by Muslims. This guy is a punk, whether he is for real or not. I don't buy it.
And you nuts completely misunderstand my views if you think I agree with this tripe. You guys don't believe in dissent, but you've never seen me spew any venom like this.
Nadir: You're deluding! Six and I take great pains to clearly state that we do not believe that guys like this accurately represent islam. They espouse a view of islam that exactly corresponds with a form of christianity that many christians espoused hundreds of years ago. All we ever say is what many muslims say: that this religion more so than any other today has a population of guys like this who are causing an enormous problem that does not exist in other religions.
Also, neither Six nor I wrote here that this guy's entire speach read like a Nadir post. Instead, we merely stated that parts of it read like that. You and this guy agree on many of his statements. You and him agree that the US is an evil imperial power, for one.
The above transcript presents the following statements with which I belive Nadir concurs, and with which Six and I adamanly demur:
1. "Those who think democracy is synonymous with freedom are either people who haven't experienced life in America, or Americans who haven't lived abroad."
2. "Muslims don't need democracy to rid themselves of their home-grown despots and tyrants." Six and I believe that any form of government besides "democracy" is some form of tyrany, and vice versa: the absense of tyrany is democracy.
3. "...the Muslim mujahideen imprisoned at some of the American concentration camps." Nadir believes that these prisoners are "freedom fighters" in a war against oppression, or innocent cab drivers and farmers arbitrarily rounded up by evil US troops.
4. "...those who kill Muslims by the millions for the crime of being Muslim, and then foolishly hope to win their hearts and minds. But we will suffice by pointing to the sharp spike conversions to Islam after September eleventh, which, as we've mentioned, is giving the enemy many a sleepless night." Nadir believes that the US is killing lots of people (perhaps even Nadir doesn't believe in the millions!), and doing so only because they're muslim. Also, Nadir believes that we war mongers are "anti-muslim", thus would dislike people converting to islam.
5. Charactorizes the US war in Iraq and Afgahnistan as "the merciless, relentless, Crusader onslaught."
6. "We have no choice but to fight those who fight us." Six and I think that if the resisters in Iraq and Afgahnistan would just give the US plan a chance, prosperity, freedom, and self-rule would manifest. But we don't think that's what these fighters want: they want rigid dictatorship, either based on mideavel religion or thugism.
7. Describes the resisters as "resorting to self-defense, when the enemy insists upon aggression and wanton destruction."
8. Describes the US lifestyle as: "blindly living the life of debt, debauchery, and doubt they call the American dream."
9. Although Nadir isn't a religious guy, if he read some honkey American speaking of Christianity the way that this guys speaks of Islam, Nadir I believe would consider the christian "kooky", but not the muslim. Consider Nadir's charactorization of "jackleg preachers", only in reference to christian preachers, and only when they advocate school vouchers and run as republicans. Have we ever heard from him such descriptions of muslim clerics who advocate executing women and forcing them to dress like mummies? Perhaps when pressed by us.
10. "The Zionist Crusader missionaries of hate."
11. "The Crusader-in-chief George W. Bush."
12. "The foot soldiers of the Crusade and those who have no active part to play in the war against Islam, other than paying the taxes that fund the Crusader war machine, and like pre-programmed machines or laboratory animals, living the lifestyle laid out for them, and believing the myths imparted to them by their school teachers, pastors, and politicians." Well, I suppose I agree that most of school teachers, pastors, and politicians imart myths, though the "myths" I perceive are different than those that this guy perceives, which I believe are the same that Nadir believes.
13. Charactorizes the anti-US fighers: "the duty of every Muslim to fight evil and oppression, wherever he finds it and no matter who the evil-doers might be."
However, I agree also with some of this tyrant's statements, which I paraphrase:
1. Laws banning flag-burning in the west (he could have thrown in "Holocaust-denying") contradict the principles of democracy. US supporters of "democracy" in Iraq undermine their position when they concurrently advocate banning flag-burning, just as Nadir's silence on the Duke rape hoax will undermine his voice when the same thing happens to some wealthy black louts (or even some poor black louts).
2. Christian theology is absurd, illogical, and a fairy tale.
And I agree that my public statements agreeing with these two points aids these guys. Not as much as agreeing that Bush is a "crusader" waging a "war against islam", etc., but aiding somewhat.
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