
Inventing Anti-Muslim Strawman

Lots of claims that Americans and Britons "stereotype" Muslims. But never any concrete facts showing this. Here's an article about a Muslim Afgahni broad in England, making these same claims, as always without no specific factual backup (as in this case) or the slightest incident (Arab with political slogan on airplane frightens passengers). What did the allegedly predjudiced British public do to her? They made her Miss Britain. And what did ths allegedly besieged British Muslims do to her? Well, some threatened her life for "betraying Islam"!

To recap: Britain makes an Afgahni Muslim their Miss Britain. No non-muslims complain. But some muslims threatent to kill her for violating retarded muslim superstition. In the midst of this, she complains about the non-muslims.


Nadir said...

Muslim culture is not monolithic. Afghan and Pakistani women (among other Muslim women) often dress liberally. Many Muslims do not follow the stricter, more fundamentalist tenents of Shariya because their roots are in Arabic culture, and not always in the religion. We've talked about this here before.

Ms. Britain believes her crown was the British public throwing a bone of peace to its large Muslim population, but she also knows that his victory would be seen by fundamentalists as a degradation of a Muslim woman.

Funny. Many Americans (Christian and non-Christian alike) believe these beauty pagents degrade women. You don't see Paul accusing secular feminists of "violating retarded...superstition."

You're creating your own straw man, Scarecrow!

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: Nobody here is claiming that "muslim culture is monolithic." Why are you so valiantly countering this non-claim? I am well aware that many muslim women ignore many retarded muslim superstitions, just as must christian women do.

As for the American broads who abhor these beuty pagents, I don't call them retarded because they don't threaten death to the participants. Besides, you confuse here non-christian feminist critics of beuty pagents, whose reason for opposition do not stem from retarded christian superstition.

The retarded homicidal muslims who want to kill this British beuty queen want to do so not for her participation in the contentest, but merely for dressing unlike a mummy.

Nadir said...

"Besides, you confuse here non-christian feminist critics of beuty pagents, whose reason for opposition do not stem from retarded christian superstition."

They stem from the belief that the pagents are degrading to women which is the same belief the Muslims hold. The belief is that women should dress modestly because not to is degrading.

You have no respect for Islam, so your opinion on this doesn't matter to me. All you care about is denegrating the religion. The fact that many non-Muslims agree that beauty pagents are degrading should tell you something.

The fact that some would threaten her death because she entered the contest is ignorance. Most Muslims wouldn't do so. They would simply believe that she should dress modestly, which would probably preclude her from entering the contest. However, many Muslims wouldn't have a problem with it.

Your stereotyping of the Muslim religion is almost as ignorant as extremist Muslims threatening death for something so silly. Both simply spread misunderstanding, hate and more ignorance.

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: Feminists oppose beuty contests because of the logic of their own mind, not from a campaign to force all humans on earth to adhere to a fary tale; nor do they proscribe execution for violators of their fairy tale. Also, these muslim retards want the girl executed even before she gets to the pagent; they want her killed simply for dressing as she does. The fact that many "non-muslims agree that beauty pagents are degrading" is absolutely irrelivent to my missive directed against Muslims who want to execute women for dressing like your father... unless any of these other beauty pagent critics also want to kill contestants.

Especially in the context of this story, where the Muslim winner of a beauty contest mentions only muslim death threaters -- whom she fails to criticize, preposterously criticizing instead the British public who has accepted her, the very point of my rail. If in any case there exists today any non-muslims who seek to execute beauty contestants, and I have thus unfairly singled out only the muslim retards (though the contestant here didn't mention any), then please correct me on this point of fact, and I will exapnd my outrage.

Your arguement here represents a testbook case of my accusation about erecting a fake anti-Muslim boogeyman. You claim I'm "stereotyping" muslims, when obviously my criticism specifically targets only muslims who aim to kill those who violate their mideavil strictures. And I disrespect Islam no more or less than I do Christianity and all religions, except that I believe in modern times Islam contains a greater fraction of people violently crusading to force others into complying with their religion. A criticism of a religion does not -- to a rational, logical person -- constitute a "stereotype", by the way.

Nadir, if you read the text issued by many extremist Islamic clerics, including the devoted terrorists and leaders in Iran, you will find unambiguous "disrespect" against Christianity, Judiasm, Hinduism, and aethiism. I cannot find any prominant Jews, aethists, or Christians criticizing Islam in general; they criticize only the fanatics.

Again I await evidence of western prejudice against Islam. If the best you can come up with is special police attention to Arabs, well, no wonder so many immigrate here, and none ever leave.